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160 Valentines! Ideas?

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Our Coop is having a Valentines lunch next week and I need 40 valentines for each of my 4 kids. Yes, I am going to recommend a girls and boys split next year or something so we don't have to get so many. But for this year, does anyone have any ideas? My biggest issue is that i will have to write on at least 80 of them for my youngest 2 and my 1st grader will probably need help. I will have severe writer's cramp by the time I'm done. I am looking for cheap and easy valentine ideas besides the 2.00 box from the grocery store.

Thanks a ton,


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Have you checked familyfun.com ? We have had years where we made playdough shaped into hearts put it in valentine treat bags and when we closed it with a tie I just slipped a preprinted (from the computer) message on them.

Did the same with rice krispie heart shaped treats.

Good luck


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Buy a lot of heart-shaped doilies. It's probably too late to get them from Discount School Supply, which is too bad because they have good quality and great prices.


If you get them from DSS, you will receive red, white, silver, and gold ones.


So then you need hot pink or white paper. Hot pink is available cheaply from Costco in 8 1/2 by 11 sheets as part of their bright printer paper package. It is easier to use than construction paper. And it is of good quality.


You fold the paper into a card shape. If you are really, really good at formatting, you might be able to figure out how to print 'from son one' in one quadrant of the paper. Then you fold the paper so that that quadrant is inside on the right. Then you put some glue stick glue onto the front cover, and press the doily onto it. Voila! If you put the glue onto the doily, it will escape through those little holes and make all of the Valentines stick to each other. Do not ask me how I know this. Just pass the aspirin...lol.


If you can't do the formatting, then print 'from son whatever' over and over onto a sheet of paper in a contrasting color from the card paper. Then cut this paper apart (straight lines! not that bad!) and glue stick the 'signatures' into place inside the cards.


Hot pink goes with all those colors of doilies. But some object to using pink. YMMV.


These are easy and impressive, and your children should be able to do all of the gluing. The key to Valentine life with young children is never to address any of them 'to' anyone. Just 'from.'

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Gamom, that's what we did last year... we printed them out. I had the kids write little 4-line verses like "Roses are Red," etc, but I let them write funny, boy-type verses that didn't rhyme.


They cut them out and attached candy to them. We only had about 30 kids exchange.


I would definitely lobby to pare your co-op list down next year to either grade groups or genders. That's got to be a terrific burden on just about everybody. Make sure you lobby on the day of the exchange, after either the moms or the kids have been sitting for hours assembling the darn things, cursing them as they go. You will get unanimous agreement for a more reasonable exchange!

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