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Let dd wear earplugs/muffs or have her learn to work through distraction?


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Toward the end of last year we were just adding ds5 into the school table mix. Dd8 has always had my undivided school-time attention. It was very hard for her to concentrate on her work while I taught ds. I can understand that because we're all at one table, with me in the middle. It would be hard for me to work with talking like that going on right there!


So for this year I'm wondering: let her use earmuffs (or whatever they're called!) to muffle the sound, or just have her try to get used to working through it? It will be like this for the rest of their school career, so maybe she should just get used to it? (If I leave the room with him or have her go work in her room, she won't stay on task.)

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Is there any way she can be at a separate table in the same room? If there isn't, I would let her wear ear muffs or ear plugs of some kind. I would find it very difficult to be sitting at the same table try to do independent work while someone was talking (my kids would too.).


Each of our boys has their own small table. They come to "my" table to be taught, then back to their space for independent work while I start with the next child.


Good luck figuring something out!



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I think I'll move the Desk Apprentice more toward the middle of the desk for a visual block (good idea, Mandamom!), and go ahead with the earmuffs. When she's a little older and more able to keep herself on track, she can hopefully do some of her independent work in her room at her nice desk in there.

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Some kids (and adults like me) cannot work with distractions and that may not change with maturity. I am one who cannot THINK when there is noise or distractions of any kind...I have to go into a quiet room by myself...and I am 43 years old! :w00t: (I don't do "school" work, but I do do bible studies ;)).


My middle son, on the other hand, could not work without music playing otherwise he got distracted by the rest of us and couldn't think. He would listen to his ipod during school. He said it helped him focus on his work. Can you imagine....figuring out complex precalculus problems with music blasting in your ears!! Yikes...I would never get anything done! :D


When my older two were schooling, I had my youngest in a different room. I bought a small folding table from Costco and he did his work at it in the living room with me, while older brothers worked at the dinning room table. That is what worked for us. ;)

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Do what it takes to help each child do his or her best during this moment.


If she needs to wear muffs through college, I'd let her.


I agree with the other poster who said some people cannot work through distractions even into adulthood. I'm one of those. I hate reading in the book stores because they always have music playing. I absolutely cannot concentrate! It makes me feel scattered and kind of sick to my stomach to try and read and block out the music and customer noise at the same time.:bigear::tongue_smilie::glare::confused:


I'd try the muffs/divider (or whatever) and see how it helps. Maybe after awhile she won't need them or maybe she will. I think it's most important to do get the schoolwork done and learn.


One great thing about homeschool is you can help each child succeed by meeting their individual needs in each particular stage. Some stages just last....well, a long time:001_smile:


Best wishes!

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I'm thinking about using a cardboard study carrell (like they have at some libraries) so that she can at least have a blank wall in front of her. She shares a room with two other dc, so going to her room to work doesn't always help. She's easily distracted and is a slowpoke.


I think I saw them at Lakeshore teacher supply stores.

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