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Friday's Teachers Lounge 2-14-2014


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Just for kicks and grins, I'm going to keep typing in red(dish) and Comic Sans.


If the day of hearts is depressing to you because you have no Valentine, cheer up because we all love you

and are here to be your Valentine! Yesterday I gave my husband's co-worker ( a female ), one dozen roses

because she's been facing quite a few things lately. She was very appreciative as she told me she had been all

bummed out because today was going to be Valentine's Day (and she is separated from a dead-beat husband).


So, for all of you:







What are your plans for the weekend (Fri/Sat/Sun)? Here: too many already for tomorrow! Today: no school for the kids (except dd will have to

do SOME Biology), then drama for dd, and a movie with friends for ds. Me: filling out extension paperwork for my own schooling because, due to health issues, this session is not going well! Also tonight I will be going to what is called Friday Night Writes at a local bookstore. For $5.00, aspiring and published authors get to hear a published author speak about a particular topic in regards to writing. It's quite a lot of fun and I happen to personally know tonight's author. B-)  Sat: Farmers Market, Bridal Shower, Intro to a year long writers workshop, and cookout with my niece is visiting. Sun: church and probably a nap!


What are you most looking forward to this weekend?  I'm giving myself the weekend off from studying (except for filling out extension paperwork), since I'm getting the extension. My brain just needs a break!


Ordered any books lately?  Me: yes! Two Paleo cookbooks and finally ordered MFW books for my dd15. I've been eyeing these since before the school year started! Finally told my dh it would help me stress less if I could use that curriculum. Mostly dd15 will be working independently, using the pre-planned Student Guide. Yay!


Talk to me!   :bigear:


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What? No one's coming into the Lounge today? Or is it too early? Oh, wait, I get it, I didn't list any snacks!!!


Well, tomorrow I'm making Paleo zucchini 'bread' but that doesn't really help you today, does it?  Hmmm.

Maybe I'll run out to the store and get some dark chocolate later. That sounds good! I do have some hard boiled eggs available.

My husband did buy some Totinos pizzas last night. Help yourself if you'd like. Those aren't Paleo, or GF, by any means!

I also have a plethora of loose-leaf teas. Help yourself!


We do have some strawberries and blueberries I just bought at the store yesterday. Sorry, no sugary stuff here. Sugary sweets are not Paleo

and way too tempting for me to even have in the house!


Anyone else want to bring in some snacks?

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Today: school is done. Next up, we're making our official Family Favorite dessert (crustless pumpkin pie). I am going to send DS out to play in the snow again once his boots are dry inside; it's starting to melt. Dinner will be lasagna and bread. I need to get some housework done, too.


Tomorrow morning I have an appointment to give blood, but that's contingent on being able to drive out of my neighborhood. (They don't plow neighborhood roads here, only main streets.) We are out of proper milk and relying on the boxed UHT stuff, so I'm looking forward to a stop at the grocery store. Dh is working from home today & we exchanged Valentine's gifts earlier.


I think we'll be back to business as usual by Sunday, as long as the wintry mix forecast for tomorrow is mostly rain.

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Wow, Jean, letting yourself rest?? Do you have a fever or something? Or is that why you slept so long?


We're about to head out to drop off the kiddos at their various places of fun. Then I get to come home and fill out extension

paperwork for my class. The fun never ends!


chat with you all later!

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Wow, Jean, letting yourself rest?? Do you have a fever or something? Or is that why you slept so long?



Scrap, I've been sick since the week before Christmas - non-stop, same thing.  My bp has been going very high lately - perhaps in connection with that?  perhaps due to the medication?  Don't know.  I'm tired of thinking about it.  

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Okay, folks, hope you all had a great day and have a better weekend!


Jean, you're only allowed to get BETTER over the weekend, you hear me??


The LOUNGE is now CLOSED. See you all next Friday (if I don't get sucked under by my 2nd re-do of an outline for the FIRST project of my current class! Oi!)

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