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Future Engineers/Computer tech.(STEM Career)-Help please!!!Senior hschooler moms!

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Hello Super Engineering Moms,
I am interested in devising a Meaty curriculum for Maths,Science and Language Arts for future Engineers/Computer tech.....
If you could share what did you use in Grades 6,7 and 8 for your kids...

I am interested in strong video based Math Learning,online Science tutorials  and online Writing and Literature classes for MS(Middle school through High School) ....

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For middle school science my kids have continued with the interest- driven selections of topics, reading whole books on science topics. That is the path they stay on until they are ready to take high school credit science. No tutorials. No written labs. No tests. ;)


Math.....that is really going to depend on student abilities, their level, and previous math background. Middle school is that age where some kids are taking alg up and some are reviewing/solidifying elementary math concepts. So, you will need to elaborate for feedback.


Writing, I don't use curriculum, so I am no help there.

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We handle things pretty much as 8 does. Interest led science before high school. I have not seen a middle school science curriculum that I like, so we use real books and documentaries. (for that matter, I have not seen high school science curriculum I like either, so we use college texts for high school). We do not use a writing curriculum.

The most important subject, where systematic studies are a must, is math. My kids have been using AoPS since 6th/7th grade and it works great for them, but it is not a curriculum for all students.

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I'd recommend going into this with some flexibility.  I'm all for online education; I teach both homeschool and college students online.  Unfortunately though, online education isn't for everyone.  I've seen some failures too.  Some kids just don't engage well with online learning. Sometimes online doesn't work as well as face-to-face where resolving problems in understanding on an ongoing basis is absolutely critical. 


With my own children, I've chosen to teach them math and writing myself because I'm convinced that the day-to-day attention in those areas is critical. It helps that I'm fine teaching those areas. For us, outside providers in languages, history, and literature works well because they get teachers with passion/ability and the discussion time they enjoy.


Science is important, but even in high school, to me the 3 Rs (reading, writing, math) are core subjects. 


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Science - I'm with the others on doing interest-led science in middle school and then moving to college texts for high school. My boys know more science than most everyone else.


Math - Work at their level, but be sure to challenge your student. I use AoPS starting in middle school. My math loving child flies through those books and does everything he can in math. My second son does AoPS more slowly with some traditional math textbooks and NEM thrown in.


Start computer programming if possible.

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Two STEM focused kids in our family.


For grades 6-7-8:


Science:  Lots of documentaries, non-fiction books, Scientific American magazine, online video lectures, The Learning Co. lectures, audio and video.  Used the library extensively.  We did not follow a *set* curriculum though.  My kids sought out videos and online classes in their areas of interest.  I shared interesting sources with them.  We talked about all the material but my kids produced very little written work.  MIT open course ware was great for DS and helped him process through some LD issues.  At first he hardly understood anything in the lectures but being stubborn does have some advantages.  Coursera Computer Science 101 is a wonderful introduction to programming for middle school years.  This background in middle school proved to be a great foundation for high school (and beyond) science.


Math:  Khan academy (online--very helpful for my kids and made a huge difference in their math progression), saxon, AoPS


SS: Similar to science.  Read and discuss interesting material.


LA:  IEW Student Writing Intensive--this helped my reluctant writers and is video based.  Oak Meadow grade 9 literature and composition (very light).  Analytical Grammar.

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Two STEM focused kids in our family.


For grades 6-7-8:


Science:  Lots of documentaries, non-fiction books, Scientific American magazine, online video lectures, The Learning Co. lectures, audio and video.  Used the library extensively.  We did not follow a *set* curriculum though.  My kids sought out videos and online classes in their areas of interest.  I shared interesting sources with them.  We talked about all the material but my kids produced very little written work.  MIT open course ware was great for DS and helped him process through some LD issues.  At first he hardly understood anything in the lectures but being stubborn does have some advantages.  Coursera Computer Science 101 is a wonderful introduction to programming for middle school years.  This background in middle school proved to be a great foundation for high school (and beyond) science.


Math:  Khan academy (online--very helpful for my kids and made a huge difference in their math progression), saxon, AoPS


SS: Similar to science.  Read and discuss interesting material.


LA:  IEW Student Writing Intensive--this helped my reluctant writers and is video based.  Oak Meadow grade 9 literature and composition (very light).  Analytical Grammar.

Thanks for your Replies....


Could you share the link for Khan Academy Pre algebra tutorials and Exercises for 11 yo ?How can we keep track of child learning on


Khan Academy lessons?(Beside MM 5 and SM 5).....


Could you kindly share Science Documentaries list for Grammer and Logic stages?Any specific lists for your Science Reading Titles from Libraries?

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They are doing Time4learning all subjects and Middle School science (Life Science ,Earth Science and Physical Science),MM 5 and SM 5 ,Classic Literature Readings(One book each month),WWE,Treasures Readings with their Spelling,Grammer and Onlevel workbooks......

Currently kids are doing these but want to skip T4L by next month so had different queries.....




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