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Q about marking in Logic of English Foundations


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My DS is doing great with Logic of English foundations B so far. However, He is having a hard time remembering to "see" things like TH or SH. He constantly tries to decode them as individual sounds until I point it out to him and then he immediately remembers that they are one phonogram and make a sound together. During the spelling lesson portion she advises students to underline those types of phonograms to remind us of their sound, or to put the long vowel symbol over a word as a clue or even put a little 2 over a letter to remind us that it makes it's 2nd sound. 


My Q is: should I be adding in those marks to remind him in his readers, or should I just keep reminding him until he starts to get it. It would be easier for him now, but I don't want to make him dependent on seeing those symbols all the time because regular books don't have them obviously. 


any advice?

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I never marked the number of the sounds but I did/do underline double letter phonograms or point them out if she is having trouble "seeing" them work together often that is all it takes to refresh her memory.

This is what I do for DD4 - just underline the phonograms as needed IF she's struggling. Seems to work well. I combine OPGTR with LOE phonograms/rules, and I don't like to bog down reading with unnecessary analyzing - just the minimum required to get her to sound it out properly.

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