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Dr. Hive-chest pain or...?


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I have two symptoms that may or may not be related. Can Dr. Hive help me out?


First, I'm 27, healthy eater, I don't work out. Slight family history or heart problems (very small heart issue in maternal grandfather 15 years ago).


Symptom 1- at least once a day, sometimes for a few minutes to an hour, I have a sore feeling near my armpit on the left side. When it happens I rub and squeeze the area, like you might with a sore muscle. It seems to help temporarily, but it doesn't take the discomfort away. I would not call it pain.


Symptom 2- today I had an "episode". A squeezing feeling in my chest, not painful, but very uncomfortable. Had a numb, burning feeling in my left hand during/soon after. Hand looked slightly red. I had the exact hand feeling once before, but I cannot remember if chest pain was associated with it.


I should go to the dr. I know that. I do not have insurance because I have to buy it through the marketplace, and the darn thing won't work. So anyway, spending several thousand dollars on an ER visit would set us back a year or two.


Thoughts? Thank you!

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I should also add, at one point I I was having some frequent chest tightness and wasn't sure if I should go in. My very non-medical and possibly stupid idea was to test it with exercise. I figured if I could do some cardio without keeling over, it was probably just something weird or anxiety. So again, not medical advice but it's what I did that made me feel better about it.

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Honestly, it sounds like an injury more than it sounds like a heart issue.


I'm not sure why you would go to the ER for it, though, because from what you have described, it would be far better to make an appointment with a good cardiologist.


Again, it doesn't sound like a heart problem to me, but I'm not in favor of ignoring any kind of chest pain.

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