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Testing - what are you using this year?

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I have used many different tests due to where we have lived. My oldest may or may not go to public school next year.  What standardized test does anyone recommend?  I have used the CAT tests but I think they are old and not really current to today's standards of learning.  My oldest took the IOWA test with a group of homeschoolers ones year and last year she took the Terra Nova test thru the school she was dual enrolled in.  I was hoping that everyone could have taking the standardized tests with their peers at the local schools but that didn't work out as I had hoped.  Maybe next year.  So for this year, what do you all recommend I give my kiddos. 

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She is only 8th grade now.  PSATS, or SAT/ACT would be on top of that when the time comes.  My husband loves testing but he's military and they test all the time.


So, why not ACT/SAT anyway? There is no minimum age. The before 9th grade scores don't count for college, but they can be nicely used for dual enrollment and such stuff, and it's good practice for the real thing.

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If you must test for state requirements, I would try to use Iowa or CAT simply because you can compare it with previous results and look for trends.


If you are just testing for your own benefit, the CAT can be useful because you can look it over before sending it in for grading. I found that review, plus watching what items took a long time gave me good insight. One year my oldest did the CAT and Stanford within a few months of each other. There was close agreement between the results of the two tests.


Another option if you don't have to report results but are considering ps is to look for released tests for the state exams. That would give you an idea where she is with respect to state peers.

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