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Resources for a 3-year history cycle??

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We are completing our second 4-year history cycle this year. Next year my 8th grader will head off to public high school and I will have 3 more years with my youngest before she heads off to high school. I don't really want to do 3 of 4 years and end around 1850; I would like to go from Ancients to Modern again, but only in 3 years. I don't want to cram the same quantity of information into less time; we would have to pare down the topic list.


Does anyone know of a 3-year plan for world history? Or maybe we could do world history for 2 years and American history for 1 year? I would like to use a spine or two, some things for dd to read on her own, some for us to read together. I guess I'd like a skeleton plan/schedule that I could customize for us. Anyone know of anything out there? Anyone done something similar? Thanks.

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K12's Human Odyssey series does that. It is comprised of 3 volumes that covers ancients to modern, geared to middle schoolers.  We're using one volume per year (independent of K12's services, purchased used) to do a 3-year world history cycle, and we really like it. 


The books are textbooks but not at all like typical textbooks.  They are narrative but not annoyingly wordy, with beautiful art reproductions and some excerpts of primary sources, and are visually uncluttered.  There are no end of chapter questions within the texts as in typical textbooks.  Hard copy student guides and teacher guides are currently available on the used market for the first two volumes, but not for the third volume since they are available online only via K12.  (I heard K12 has recently stopped publishing the student and teacher guide hard copies altogether, so they may become harder to find.) I use the teacher guides for some discussion questions and mapwork but otherwise use the texts WTM-style (list of facts, outlining, etc.)

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Diana Waring's history is 3 year.  There's not really a spine, per se, although the student book has an article to read at the beginning of each 4-week unit.  There is also corresponding audio cd with specified tracks to listen to for each unit.  There are recommended books for each unit to choose from depending on which topics/people you want to study further. 

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K12's Human Odyssey series does that. It is comprised of 3 volumes that covers ancients to modern, geared to middle schoolers.  We're using one volume per year (independent of K12's services, purchased used) to do a 3-year world history cycle, and we really like it. 


The books are textbooks but not at all like typical textbooks.  They are narrative but not annoyingly wordy, with beautiful art reproductions and some excerpts of primary sources, and are visually uncluttered.  There are no end of chapter questions within the texts as in typical textbooks.  Hard copy student guides and teacher guides are currently available on the used market for the first two volumes, but not for the third volume since they are available online only via K12.  (I heard K12 has recently stopped publishing the student and teacher guide hard copies altogether, so they may become harder to find.) I use the teacher guides for some discussion questions and mapwork but otherwise use the texts WTM-style (list of facts, outlining, etc.)


I second this recommendation! After straying into some other history materials, we have happily returned to K12's Human Odyssey. We simply read and discuss, watch an occasional documentary, and so forth, so I don't know much about the teacher/student guides. The books themselves though are quite good!


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K12's Human Odyssey series does that. It is comprised of 3 volumes that covers ancients to modern, geared to middle schoolers.  We're using one volume per year (independent of K12's services, purchased used) to do a 3-year world history cycle, and we really like it. 



Thanks for bringing this program to my attention. I know I've read many positive things about it here before, but never looked into it and certainly didn't realize it was a 3-year program. It sounds like it could be a good fit for this dd--I went ahead and ordered the first book used at Amazon so I can look at it more closely. 

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