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SOTW Vol. 1 need supplements?


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I just started Story of the World Vol. 1 with my 1st grader. We were using MOH but it was over her head. She seems to like SOTW but do I need to supplement with living books? Or is it enough? It would be nice to have more hands on than the activity book too but I am not sure what to use. Anyone?

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We don't seems to use the activity book.  I know that people like it, but it's not for us.  My kids don't like narration, and I don't see the point when we do it elsewhere.  We mostly read the book, add in living books and dvds and youtube, and rarely do a project.  There are tons of ideas online for projects if that's what you want.  My kids don't like the maps or the coloring pages, so it's not worth it for us.  If your kids like to color or would benefit from the maps, then I'd say go for it.  But for 1st and 2nd grade and for my kids, I don't see the need.

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And this blog has lapbooks to go with the volumes.. SOTW1 and the first half of 2 are not of her creation and the original blog has shut down but she has the files and according to the comments.. should have them up and available through dropbox soon.  http://brendajohnston.blogspot.com/2013/01/story-of-world-volume-2-lapbook.html



I just started Story of the World Vol. 1 with my 1st grader. We were using MOH but it was over her head. She seems to like SOTW but do I need to supplement with living books? Or is it enough? It would be nice to have more hands on than the activity book too but I am not sure what to use. Anyone?


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