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Quick question re: testing

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I'm considering testing DS5 d/t his unsatisfactory school reports.  There is a possibility of immaturity (young age close to Kindy cut-off) vs struggles with writing (some of which I suspect are physical fine motor problems to be tested separately) and making careless errors vs maybe a LD?  He is being compared to peers in a highly academic/advanced oriented public school.  I have no concerns about his intelligence and neither does teacher (I think he's pretty bright but it's hard to be objective.  :) )


There is dyslexia and ADHD in the family and high IQ as well.


It seems a lot of people on these boards recommend neuropsych to eval.  I was considering for screening (as he is so young and only been in school a couple months now) to have him see a local psychology group.  There are 4 PsyD, and I PhD, and they mention on their website testing for ADHD/LD.  They mention a lot of things about children, working in the schools, rotations through the school system, etc.  I was hoping a psychology testing (which will likely be quicker as far as setting up an appt, as well as much less expensive) would be a good starting place for just beginning concerns and his young age, vs the full enchilada neuropsych. 


Would psychology testing from a place that seems to specialize in testing kids be an okay place to start or not likely helpful or too generic? 


TIA !  Displaced

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I would strongly support 'screening', where this can provide an understanding of what needs to be given more attention.

A screening provides 'advise' rather than a diagnosis.

Where a diagnosis is very different, as it legally defines a disability.

Which is why their is a resistance to evaluating younger children.

As a child might just be taking a bit longer, and will eventually catch up.

So that it would really be wrong to diagnose a disability.


But a major problem with this, is that a disability isn't identified until it is fully established.

What this denies, is the opportunity to identify 'areas of difficulty', and give them early attention.

Which given early attention, might avoid a disability being established?

Or else, reduced its impact to some degree, and provide you with an early insight into his difficulties.


So that you might ask them for a comprehensive screening, as a guidance for what to focus on?

With a remedial focus.


Though I must say that it greatly concerns me this current approach.

Which is one of waiting until a child is older and their disability is fully established. That they will be evaluated and a remedial program developed.

Where of course, no one could deny that identifying a child's difficulties earlier,  would no enable implementation of remedial strategies, that would reduce the potential for a difficulty becoming a disability.














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If they only focus on getting IEP/504 assessments, they may not be very helpful to you since your child, at such a young age, would probably not show enough of  a discrepancy to warrant anything like that.  In fact, in an earlier era your child wouldn't even have been starting full blown academics at 5.  If you call them you might explain the family history and that you are not looking for any sort of surface IEP eval just to get school accomodations, you actually want to see if there is the possibility of learning differences and issues and possibly any untapped strengths that would warrant targeted help right now and possibly additional, in-depth testing later on.  If they are willing and capable of doing that type of screening it might get you pointed in the right direction BEFORE any learning issues actually become disabilities and might help you tap into strengths that may not be readily apparent right now.

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Ok, that makes sense.  I'm not certain if their focus is on ied/504.  They do mention preschool testing on their website so I'm hopeful it's just a very child proactive facility.


The only reason I'm considering testing is because voluntarily repeating kindy has already been brought up by his teacher (if his marks don't improve), and I need to make sure there's nothing overlooked. 



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