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I can't believe I'm awake

Night Elf

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My dog woke me up at 4:30am. I think he needed to go out. But since I was up, I decided I'd go to the bathroom first. Unfortunately, my eyes didn't want to open so I was walking and blinking in the dark. When I got near the door, I thought I was going to clear it but nope! My toes hit the frame first and then my head banged into the frame. It really hurt. Once I let the dogs out, I couldn't go back to sleep because now I'm wide awake. There is no bruise or sore spot on my head so I couldn't have hit it too hard. I think it was just the shock that freaked me out. And now I'm bored because there is little to do at this early hour.

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Hey - welcome to my world!  I'm always up at these early hours - couldn't sleep through them if I wanted to... I'm definitely a morning person.  This morning I was out of bed at 3:40am and headed to the shower.  We don't leave for church until 7:15am, so I have plenty of "other" hours to fill - usually on here (well, computer in general - not necessarily this site).  On school days I leave at 6:30am.


Of course, my brain turns off at night around 8:30pm regardless of whether I can go to bed at that hour or not...


Rather than trying to change anything, I'd just adapted to it all...

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My normal issue is getting to sleep. I'm ready to go to bed at 9:00pm but my mind/body won't settle to sleep. I read and on a good night I am asleep by 11:00pm, but sometimes not until 1:00am. I used to also have a problem staying asleep but my doctor gave me a sleep med for that. I've never been a morning person though. That was one thing I loved about homeschooling. But then my dd15 started school and I'm her transportation so I wake up on weekdays at 6:30am. The weekends are for sleeping in! Oh well, I'll probably take a little nap later this morning. At least my head doesn't hurt anymore.

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