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My boys want to learn hebrew, need help?


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Is there a Jewish Temple in your community?

Years ago, I nannied for a wonderful Jewish family in the Boston area.  Their older daughter was ~9-10.  Twice a week, she attended "Hebrew School."  (I drove the carpool!).  All of the kids her age were learning Hebrew (and the Torah) in preparation of their Bar Mitzvahs and Bat Mitzvahs.

I have no idea if the local Jewish community will welcome you and your boys with open arms, or if they will give you the stink eye.  All you can do is ask...but that is where I would start.

Of course, it goes without saying that if I sent my (nonreligious) girls into any religious community to learn, we would have serious discussions about being guests in their community, being lucky to have this opportunity, and not being there for any religious agenda of our own.  Ixnay for my girls on any religious discussions, other than as a listener and learner.

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They might be able to handle Easy Hebrew , Rosetta Stone does have a Hebrew course and some people have done well with that approach. Get the homeschool version though if you do that. If you have a Hebrew school in your area though that they could join that would be the best way. My kids are lucky, I finally convinced my mom to tutor them in Hebrew. The personal touch goes a long way with learning any language.

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Do they want to learn Modern Hebrew or Ancient Hebrew (as in the language the Torah or first five books of the Old Testament are written in)?  I think probably Rosetta Stone or some such program would be the best for Modern Hebrew.  I have a close friend who teaches Hebrew school for children who are preparing for bar- and bat-mitzvahs, and I believe she only teaches Ancient Hebrew.  I could be wrong, but you might want to check it out.



Mama Anna

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