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Reviews of Draw Your World or Mapping the World by Heart?


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I am considering using one or the other for teaching 4th and 8th grader combined.  Would love to hear from people who have used it, if they finished it?  How long did you spend each week on it?  What ages do you think would get the most out of it?  What type of student would it work best with?  Would it be worth purchasing just to focus on United States alone?

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You might also want to consider Ellen McHenry's Mapping the World with Art. Several posters here have preferred it to Mapping the World by Heart. You might be able to search out some comparisons. Mapping the World with Art was used with great success by my 7th grade son, it does cover the whole world, though. Probably too much money for just the US portion.

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Unless it's been modified, when I looked at Mapping the World by Heart some years ago, I was rather stunned by the high price compared to what's in it -- mostly it's about a single main idea of drawing the world map repeatedly to get the shapes and locations, and then has lots of suggested lists of geographic features (rivers, mountains, capitals, etc.) to learn -- but no suggestions as to how to go about that... Also, no cultural info or other geographic types of information/teaching.


I think it's a very creative idea, but it also is going to have limited appeal, as not all students are going to fit well with that visual-spatial / artistic learning style.


If you can find it used, then I would say it could be a worthwhile supplement. Just my 2 cents worth in looking at it (not actual use). BEST of luck in finding what works well for your family! Warmest regards, Lori D.

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I bought Mapping the World by Heart, and I was flabbergasted when it arrived. As I remember, there were a couple of maps, the kind you can buy for a fraction of the cost. The main part of the book seemed to lists of rivers and so on that you would include on your maps. It's been a while, so I sm foggy on the details, but it was simply awful. The ads/website makes it sound so good too. At least RR has a good return policy.


I checked WTM after I bought it and found a lot of negative reviews for Mapping by Heart. There were, however, positive reviews for the McHenry program. Sha certainly provides a generous selection of samples. It was a little advanced for us at the time, but I think I will get it eventually.


Is Draw Your World the one from WP?

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Unless it's been modified, when I looked at Mapping the World by Heart some years ago, I was rather stunned by the high price compared to what's in it -- mostly it's about a single main idea of drawing the world map repeatedly to get the shapes and locations, and then has lots of suggested lists of geographic features (rivers, mountains, capitals, etc.) to learn -- but no suggestions as to how to go about that... Also, no cultural info or other geographic types of information/teaching.


I think it's a very creative idea, but it also is going to have limited appeal, as not all students are going to fit well with that visual-spatial / artistic learning style.


If you can find it used, then I would say it could be a worthwhile supplement. Just my 2 cents worth in looking at it (not actual use). BEST of luck in finding what works well for your family! Warmest regards, Lori D.


Hmmm....I do believe I was hoping for more instruction (preferably directed to my dd) on how to do that.  However, she is a visual/artsy type.  She would panic, however, with a list of things to draw and label.  I think I may be better off just trying to follow 'The Core' on my own (borrowed it from the library just now.)   I see a used copy for $50, but that sounds way too expensive for what you describe!  Thank you for helping me to not waste my money!


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I bought Mapping the World by Heart, and I was flabbergasted when it arrived. As I remember, there were a couple of maps, the kind you can buy for a fraction of the cost. The main part of the book seemed to lists of rivers and so on that you would include on your maps. It's been a while, so I sm foggy on the details, but it was simply awful. The ads/website makes it sound so good too. At least RR has a good return policy.


I checked WTM after I bought it and found a lot of negative reviews for Mapping by Heart. There were, however, positive reviews for the McHenry program. Sha certainly provides a generous selection of samples. It was a little advanced for us at the time, but I think I will get it eventually.


Is Draw Your World the one from WP?


Thank you....for confirming the other post.  I will skip this.


The McHenry program also does not sound like what I want, either, as I'm hoping to focus on the US (or at the very least the Americas).  From what I can tell, this would not be worth it, either.


Yes, I was referring to the WP Draw Your World.


I am going to get scholastic Ready to go Outline Maps ($1 right now), and use Core techniques, I think.

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Homeschool in the Woods has a lovely set of U.S. maps. HITW maps are outline, but different from other outline ones -- they have a more old fashioned look. Available as cd or download, so you can print what you need easily. I love HITW products!


Grography Matters also has a good set of U.s. maps, attractive and well priced, also as cd or downloads. And Rainbow Resource has a big selection of outline maps in its catalogue.


There are a number of websites with free outline maps too. I'm on phone and can't link now, but they have been posted on WTM fairly frequently.

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