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Planning and trying to stay ahead


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So dd is 6. She is working at least 2-3 grade levels above in most work (handwriting and spelling is the exception). She learns so fast. We don't know if she we will be keeping her at home next year or if we will try private or public school (depending where we are). However I am looking ahead to next year and trying to figure out where to go. She learns in fits and spurts, we can be plugging along and then all of a sudden she is 4 chapters ahead all on her own.


I know you shouldn't look farther ahead than where you are right now and just evaluate just before buying materials. Give me your best "out of the box" teaching tools. We do better with things that aren't strictly curriculum (though we do LOVE Mr. Q for science) so what are your best purchases? We are very STEM oriented here simply by her interests.

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Basher books were a favorite at your DD's age-lots of higher level concepts to Spring off from. I still end up buying every new one available. In general, my DD really likes light, humorous study books designed for high school, college, or adult students, so we have a lot of "Painless" series books, "For Dummies" books, and so on. Again, it's enough to get her started. Puzzle books and games, Scientific American, National geographic. Basically, anything to give her a place to jump off and explore.

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