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Mod Design Class/Minecraft

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We bought this through Homeschool Buyers Coop for our 14 yr old son for Christmas. He is super excited, which is really nice since I wasn't sure. He starts soon. Does anyone else have their son or daughter participating in this and possibly want to connect with my son? Or, any information you have to make this a better experience for him is welcome. I tried to search but I haven't been on the forums in a long time and apparently don't have the special touch.






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I actually want to participate in this. I'm a minecraft geek. :p Unfortunately, I have neither the money to spend on myself for it, nor the time to do it. I would of loved doing it, and my kids would probably love the end results.


Means I could possibly also make mods for them for Minecraft later on down the road, for their "School".


Anyway, I have nothing really to offer, but remember there is always the official Minecraft forums: www.minecraftforums.net which have board subsection on Mods & Modding and everything else, so if you will allow him on there, thats a great place to connect. I have met many awesome people over there, and mostly everyone is really kind and helpful.


So I don't know what age your son is (I think there are children as young as 12 on there, so its a very varied age range) but thats always an option :)


It actually (I haven't been on there properly for 1-2 years, so take my review with a grain of salt and check the place out yourself) felt more like a community, and we used to help each other out. Its one of my favourite things about Minecraft - the community. :)


Now I'll tuck my geekiness away and go make some sandwiches for the kids :p

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So, bumping this back up.  We finally got this really running monday, and tuesday I could not get my 10 yo to do anything else!  Right now we are waiting for him to finish what he's in the middle of so we can go walk the dog in the snow . . . he'd rather do mod design lol . . . still debugging his crafting recipe . .. 


anyone else?

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Both of my boys (10 and 13) are signed up for the class.  I got the e-mail yesterday that they can now start, and my 10-year-old is chomping at the bit.  Hopefully that means he will be less of a bear in getting his schoolwork done today with the incentive of starting the mod class, but we'll see.


I'm a little anxious about it, because it's not something that I want to help with, at all.  I'm hoping it's self-explanatory/monitored by teachers enough that I won't have to sit there with them. 

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My son got this for Christmas as well. He has started it, but he's been grounded from all electronics for a couple of weeks, so hasn't been on it in a bit. He can do it during school, but he struggles to do his work in a timely manner, that he never has time. Maybe if I remind him that once he's finished with his other work that he's able to use electronics for school (ie: Mod Design) he'll kick butt in his school work.


My son won't be 9 for a few more weeks, so I don't think he'd be a good pen-pal for your son. Also, he doesn't even have an email address.

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I'm letting my son do some during 'school' hours - with the understanding that he generally still has to finish his work, tho the first day he was so obsessed i let him only do 2 other subjects.  I figure it wont last forever, the obsession, and it certainly could be worse!


The only things my son has asked for help with so far were the technical problems of getting the software to work, but I made him send emails to the company asking for help, and they were very helpful.  you can also email/chat for project help, but he hasnt needed to do that.  

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I had to make this an after school only class because DS would lose all day working on this. He loves it! We had some technical problems with the initial setup but after that DS has been completely independent. If he has a problem, he contacts the staff and deals with it himself.

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I helped my son(10) with the installation process but he is trying the program without my help.  He ran into a problem when he copied and pasted the wrong file somewhere.  We emailed for help and got very detailed responses back as to how to fix the problem.  I am hoping he gets back on track and that this will encourage him to pay attention to detail so he can be successful with this program.  With his ADHD he tends to skim things and totally misses key steps.  We'll see how it goes!

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So..I'm not sure how to private message but maybe I already replied earlier today to one sent to me?!? 

My son, who is 14, is expected to do this as a way to learn things without my assistance.  :hurray:  He says so far he has learned how to craft a sword, pic ax and finished the first part of the item section and debugged things. He has not found this difficult, but energizing instead. He thinks it's easier than he expected.

This is his year to take on tasks and actually accomplish them because he, or I mean, I, want him to. The difference between my 13 yr old and 14 yr old in independence is staggering. I started the whole independence thing with my other two sons at 14, but decided to try a little earlier with my 4th son. Yeah, not happening. So, I have great expectations for him next year.

M will get on the forum.  Thank you.  He "knows" everything this year. You know, because he is FOURTEEN.  I told him he won't know nearly as much by the time he is 18. :lol:


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Hope everything is ok!  I took my teen to his checkup today and left my 10 yo at home - the doctor was running late.  When I came home my 10 yo told me excitedly that he'd added POTION effects to his FOOD!  He said this and fiction reading (Harry Potter) are currently his two favorite subjects!

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