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Thank you! Re:Boundaries


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I mostly lurk but I had to post a huge "Thank you!" to everyone here who has ever recommended the book by Cloud & Townsend. Many threads here over the last several years have helped me see how truly screwed up my childhood was and how dysfunctional my family still is. I finally read the book last night and it confirmed some things and clarified some.

I cut off contact with my mother several months ago and have really struggled with some telling me that it is unforgiving and unChristian. It was a relief to read the section on the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation.

If anyone is interested, the e-book is on sale right now for $2.99.

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It's one of the few books that I keep and often refer to, share, and highly recommend.   (I often feel like a broken record, but it is a very helpful book... :smash: )


Some dear board memeber here recommended it years ago.  My mil was my reason for seeking a copy, and it was worth every dollar.  Lots of libraries have a copy and it's my first recommendation to anyone dealing with a difficult person...especially a difficult family member. 

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