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Open and go Public school writing helps? CAP for 4th grade?


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We've done WWE1-3 and MCT island and town, but I am not sure our writing is where it should be (and we need to keep our children at grade level of a good public school system). We are currently working through Killgallon (not fun for my DD but were sticking with it for now). I was considering CAP but not sure it will help with topics such as book reports, letter, etc. Are there any recommendations for open and go writing tools...and would adding CAP be too much.

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Write! by Curriculum Associates is well-done, inexpensive and grade-leveled. I used it for a couple years in the middle grades with my older daughters.  It has a grammar/mechanics section and writing instruction in each chapter.  The models were very helpful to understand what type of output was expected per grade level.  Painless, relative quick and effective.  I used this along side narration/dictation, but it could be used on its own.

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Evan-Moor's Nonfiction Writing series covers every type of PS writing. The third grade book description says:


17 units cover the following nonfiction writing skills:

Basics of Nonfiction Writing

  • Writing a Paragraph - Writing a Topic Sentence, Adding Good Details
  • Writing to Show Sequence - Sequencing Events, Using Order Words and Phrases
  • Writing to Show Cause and Effect - Identifying Causes and Effects, Using Cause-and-Effect Signal Words, Adding Details
  • Writing to Compare and Contrast - Making a Venn Diagram, Using Signal Words, Writing Transition Sentences, Organizing Your Writing

Expository Writing

  • Writing a Summary - Marking Up an Article, Retelling in Your Own Words, Organizing a Summary
  • Writing a Descriptive Paragraph - Writing a Topic Sentence; Adding Sensory Details; Showing, Not Telling; Expanding Sentences
  • Writing a Biography - Finding Important Facts, Choosing Good Details, Writing a Good Beginning, Organizing a Biography
  • Writing How-to Instructions - Writing an Introduction, Giving Clear Directions, Organizing Instructions
  • Writing a News Article - Answering the 5Ws and H, Writing Good Leads, Organizing a News Article
  • Writing a Response to Literature - Understanding the Prompt, Writing a Topic Sentence, Marking Up the Story, Using Details from the Story
  • Writing a Research Report - Thinking of Questions, Finding Information, Taking Notes, Writing an Outline, Using an Outline to Write, Writing a Topic Sentence, Quoting Sources, Removing Unimportant Details, Listing Sources

Persuasive Writing

  • Writing a Persuasive Paragraph - Writing a Topic Sentence, Using Persuasive Language, Giving Reasons, Writing a Conclusion
  • Writing a Persuasive Letter - Writing an Opinion Statement, Writing for Your Audience, Giving Specific Reasons, Organizing Your Letter
  • Writing a Review - Telling Important Information, Giving Opinions and Reasons, Writing an Ending

Narrative Writing

  • Writing a Personal Narrative - Choosing a Specific Topic, Adding Sensory Details, Adding Thoughts and Feelings, Organizing Details
  • Writing a Friendly Letter - Writing for Your Audience, Adding Details, Sharing Thoughts and Feelings
  • Writing Creative Nonfiction - Writing a Creative First Sentence, Adding Sensory Details, Using Similes and Metaphors



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