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Vomiting only at night? Rotavirus?


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We are currently out of town for the holidays, staying at my FIL's in pennsylvania (outskirt of Philly).

Our 18 month old son (Marco) has, for the past two nights, been vomiting. At least a half dozen times last night, starting at about 11 pm and lasting until about 3 am; this morning he woke up with a heavy load in his diaper, that he then happily smeared on himself while I slept (notice I said happily; he seemed perfectly back to normal this morning, other than the diaper load). He was fine ALL day today, minus that he didn't have much of an appetite. Then tonight- about 10 pm - he vomited again.


I hate that we're so far from home (about a 15 hour drive) and his regular pediatrician. I'm not sure what's going on or *when* it's necessary to take him somewhere (and where - the urgent care? The ER? I guess one of the two). I can't even call his ped, as tomorrow is Saturday (maybe they have an after hours' line?).


What do I watch for besides dehydration? He seemed perfectly OKAY all day today and now this - again. Poor kid :(


The only things he had before bed were a half dose of benedryl (typical for him, as he suffers from allergy symptoms, so this isn't a new medication), and he has been sipping on sprite with a prescription iron supplement all day (again typical for him). Oh, and he nursed (but I haven't had anything out of the ordinary either).

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Almost every time my daughter gets a virus, she vomits at night only and seems pretty ok during the day (but fatigues very easily).  She's 5 but has been this way since toddlerhood. Just keep him hydrated and well rested. Consider him contagious if thinking about visiting others. I wouldn't worry about going to a doctor unless it goes on for 4-6 days or so.


Hope he feels better soon! These things usually don't last long.


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I was going to suggest drainage from allergies or a cold even before you mentioned he was troubled by them. When he lies down it will trickle down the back of his throat triggering the gag reflex and a vomit. I had a child get so dehydrated from vomiting that we took her to the ER one night. Turns out we had a mold problem in our rental house. Maybe there is something in the new house causing an increase in symptoms. Maybe try some nose drops/spray to dry up the drippage?

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