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Lego Drawing/doing your own instructions


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Anyone here (or their kids) use LDraw  http://www.ldraw.org/ (MLCad) to do digital 3d models of their Lego creations? 


My kids are making a lego kit for a gift for someone for christmas, and I found the program and have figured out how to use it, but could use a little help with the publishing the instructions side of things.  I have figured out how I can do it, but it isn't great.  I would like to know how to have all the steps in one document on Lpub.  I am sure there is a simple way to make it work, but I have not done coding or programming or anything like that, so it's a steep learning curve for me.  Any help?


If you haven't tried it, the software was free and it is quite fun. If your kids have played on computers much, they might really like playing on it.


If it matters, I just made each step into a jpg for now, and will print those up and bind them together.  But I would rather make a more polished product.


ETA: Yes, there is a tutorial on how to use it, and I have used it, but it is written for someone who understands such things a smidgen more than I do, so I could use someone to start me off very basically on how to have 2 CAD drawings in one publishing document.

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Yeah, that is what I "read".  It's just a bit much over my head.  I did make an instruction book by saving PDFs of drawings at each stage, but I can tell it could be so much cooler if I could just get a couple things about how it works.


I now want to build lego models and rebuild them on the computer.  It was really really fun. :)

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I do not have an answer, but I just wanted to say that this thread made my day! As if the original site wasn't fabulous enough, putzing around at the second link led to the international LEGO job search. WOWWEE!! Oldest DS, who has said for years that he wants to be a LEGO designer, was soooooooo excited to see this! We went through the full list, clicked on all the "good jobs" and printed up the (very interesting and pretty detailed) job descriptions. He has them all stapled together and has been reading through them. He (for now) wants to be a mechanical engineer and is reading up on the specific requirements for the jobs (Linux, CAD, etc.). This is pretty cool. DH and I were saying that the first time we ever looked at want ads and job descriptions was when we were looking for our first jobs, and both of us now see the beauty of reading them while still in school, so kids can steer themselves toward their goals more easily.


Anyway, thanks so much for posting! This is quite the two-fer for us here!



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