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Friday's Teachers' Lounge 12-20-13


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It's FRIDAY. It's almost Christmas! Woohoo!


Good morning!  The only reason the Lounge is being opened early is because I nixed our field trip plans. We were going to see the Velveteen Rabbit.

My son has not been thrilled about this since I mentioned we were going. And this morning I discover he's been having nausea off and on for several days!

After much prayer and consideration, I asked if either kid would be upset if we didn't go on the field trip. They said, "No." So we're staying home. I may go run errands 

later but for the most part, we'll be home.


What are you up to today?


Plans for Christmas? Presents, The Hobbit (viewing as a family), dinner at sister's, then probably more presents)


How can I pray for you this week?


Talk to me!  :bigear:

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Hi Ya, Scrap!


We have our first snow this morning.  The weathermen (and women) are freaking out.  We only have one inch of snow but the local school has closed for a snow day.  


Dd has a bad cold.  I'm paying medical bills.  Oh joy.


Christmas - home in the morning, extended family Christmas at one of the cousin's house in the afternoon.


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Good morning - 


We have snow this morning after having 60's yesterday.  Gotta love the moody weather.


Today, the kids are on their first day of winter break, and I'm trying to work through my second day of a three day migraine.  


Christmas.  That is the big question.  Last year we spent a good portion of Christmas in the ER (middle had mono that presented as an acute viral infection long before it would show up on blood tests).  This year, beyond hoping to make it without illness, I am hoping to go skiing and tubing a couple of times.  Oldest will spend his first Christmas in Japan which is kind of hitting me hard.  I think being out of the house and having fun  will help.



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