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we started Pre-Algebra on Monday. I am confused at what to do!

Ds watched all of 1.1 on the dvd. He completed 1.1 between Monday and Tuesday. He is now working on 1.2. which is going to end up taking him until tomorrow to finish. He is only working on every other problem...there are a LOT of problems.


I thought (for some reason) ds was only to watch a portion of the tape and then do his lesson.


Are we doing this right???

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Yes, you're doing it right. It's not cut & dry like other programs. Every day will be slightly different depending on how its going and how much you can accomplish-- and retain.


Don't rush it. The program is awesome. Don't be intimidated by the textbook w/ all those problems. Keep doing every other problem until the test. If he needs more practice, go back and have him to all the cumulative review before moving on to the next chapter.


Sections will take 1 - 2 days, possibly even 3 days.


You're doing great. Isn't Prof. Mosely wonderful??? :) We just love him!

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we've gone to doing every-other-odd problem unless she missed 2 or more in a row or otherwise needs more practice. I believe every-other-odd is what CD suggests on their website, or maybe Dana Mosely told us that. Either way, it has worked well and really sped things up.

Remember that the lectures are of vastly different lengths, so for future sections, your son may be able to watch the lecture and do the problems on the same day.

As for watching a portion and then doing the lesson, perhaps you're thinking of students who stop the DVD to do the practice problems in the lecture. My daughter has done that once or twice in particularly difficult sections late in Algebra I. Otherwise, she's always done CD (and we're on our 4th one) watching the entire lecture and then working the entire section.

Oh, and I do have her do the entire "cumulative review" before each section. I don't remember this about pre-algebra, but algebra and the later books have this set of 5 or 6 problems at the beginning of each section. The problems review concepts all the way back to the beginning of the book (or, in geometry, all the way back to Algebra I).


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