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guinea pig moms....I have an important question


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we adopted 2 males piggies about a year ago.  they have been together since birth.  Then just within the last 3 months, we adopted another male piggie.  Right away the 3 of them were like best buddies....no squabbles or fights...nothing.  Then just within the last couple weeks we started noticing scabs on the new piggies back and have heard more scuffling from their cage when we aren't in the room....sometimes when we are in the room too, I suppose...and then on a couple occasions I have heard this chattering noise after the scuffle. 


What might be going on...do we need to separate the new piggie?  I really have no good way to do that.  WHat does that chattering noise mean?  Can someone help me here??





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Bumping with hopes of you getting more experienced input. I only have one piggie and have just noticed scabs and raw sores on his back. We have an appt. with the vet but from what I'm reading I'm thinking possibly a skin condition like mites, etc?? Could it be possible that your new piggie has an itchy skin problem? I know I'm reaching here but I thought I would give it a shot. :-)

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Wikipedia's guinea pig page has sound clips in the "behavior" section.  Maybe this would help you identify the reason behind the chattering noise?


I think a vet visit is in order.  If the new guinea pig has a skin issue, the vet could treat it so it wouldn't spread to the other two piggies.  And the vet should be able to determine the new guinea pig's gender... just in case... 

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It's VERY had to get 2 or 3 piggies to live together-- especially when 2 are bonded from birth and one is now introduced.

Sounds to me like they are biting him-- very common in piggie land.  He's the new guy.


I have a friend who spent 15 years breeding them (still does as a hobby) and she says the new piggie may be in danger.  Right now they're just probably putting him him in his place, but at some point they will turn on him and he could get very hurt.     It's very rare that they will just accept him instantly.



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We have 2 male guinea pigs and tested out how they behaved around each other a few times.  They do not like each other- there is a teeth chattering that they do that indicates they aren't happy- google guinea pig noises and you'll hear some audio of what the different noises mean.  Was your newly adopted pig fully mature?  I think they get more territorial as they age.  I'd probably seperate them, if I were you.  They do just fine having a cage to themselves- it's a hassle for you, but it will probably be best for the pig.   

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