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Anyone work with just one child at a time......


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while the other watches/plays with the toddler? My 22mo is a big distraction. The plan was to have my 9 and 10 yo work at the table with me while my 5yo plays with the toddler in the next room. Then when the older ones are set with work they can do independently, I read and play games with the younger two. This is not working. The toddler isn't content to just play in the other room. She likes to wander around and come over to the table. Sitting her in the high chair with an activity doesn't last long enough. She wants to be on the go. Spending time with the littles first works better, but still isn't enough. They want to be with us, but they are too much of a distraction. My 9 yo has attention issues as it is. He's a huge dawdler, and this just makes it worse. I have to sit with him to keep him on task. Also, he still needs a lot of one-on-one help, especially in math.


I'm thinking about dedicating an hour to my 9yo first thing while my 10yo plays with the others. Then they can switch and I'll do anything that needs instruction with the 10 yo while the 9yo gets a break and plays with them. After that, they can finish their work independently while I read and play with the youngers. At 12:30 we'll break for lunch and have history or science immediately afterwards when the toddler goes down for a nap. Anything the older two didn't finish before lunch will have to be completed as homework.


Anyone tried something like this? The only problem I see is that my oldest likes to get started on her work right away. She's one who likes to get things done and move on. I don't think she's going to be very happy about waiting an hour or so to start her work.

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I am considering something similar in our home. When the baby (1yr) is up, he is in need of constant attention ( I think that I will hold on to the morning nap until he's 5yo, lol).


You mentioned that your older dd really likes to get a start on schoolwork, so perhaps you could try doing some independent work first, while you read or play with toddler for an hour or so, and then let the kids take turns with the little one. That way, both dc get a jump on their work and the baby gets mama's attention first thing. HTH!



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[quote name=Chloe;453472


I'm thinking about dedicating an hour to my 9yo first thing while my 10yo plays with the others. Then they can switch and I'll do anything that needs instruction with the 10 yo while the 9yo gets a break and plays with them. After that' date=' they can finish their work independently while I read and play with the youngers. At 12:30 we'll break for lunch and have history or science immediately afterwards when the toddler goes down for a nap. Anything the older two didn't finish before lunch will have to be completed as homework.


Anyone tried something like this?


MOTH recommends something similar to this. I've also done it before. In fact, I may need to institute it again, as my 4 YO is currently being a huge pain. :tongue_smilie:


I say, do whatever works for you.

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This will be our 3rd year using a MOTH schedule. I started it back when DS1 was a 2yo, and I needed to keep him occupied and out of trouble. I start the girls on math right after breakfast and Bible time, and then spend 30 minutes with DS1. He gets 30 minutes to play with each of his sisters while I work one on one with the other. To give you a better idea, you can check our full school day schedule for the last to years at the links below.


This year's schedule


Last year's schedule



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Of course! Whenever my older children take breaks or have a little free play, I allow them to play with my toddler also. During lessons, I usually give her an activity to do such as coloring, painting, toys, waterplay things, etc. I also read to her after getting the others started on a lesson.

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I have always done school like this. I work with one child while the other one plays with the toddler and then we switch. It helps if you spend time with the toddler first, like doing a craft or read a book before you start with the older ones. I also have a shelf or box full of things for the toddler to do that is just for school time, that helps as well.


This will be the first year when I will have everyone at the table at the same time as my toddler has grown up to be a kindergartner now.

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Yes, yes, yes!! We have been doing this since my 4th was about 18 months old. It is one of the big reasons that our days go so smoothly. It also forces the older child to serve the younger, which is something we are always working on around here. I want my children to "prefer others ahead of themselves" and this is a wonderful, practical way to practice that.


I do, however, have the kids start some schoolwork while I oversee the little guy first thing. This allows them to feel as though they've accomplished something. My 9 year old daughter is like yours and would not like waiting to start her work!



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I have a 10 yo, 7 yo and 21 mo. I start the oldest doing independent work while I work one on one with ds 7 and take time with the 21 mo here and there when possible (or sometimes demanded). When 7 yo finishes he then plays with 21 mo while I work one on one with 10 yo. HTH :)

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