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Anyone here really good at organizing? Tell me about your desk!


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Or maybe just solve my problem?  :D  Seriously, I have a flow problem.  I get stuff in and it all lands on my desk, around my desk.  So my island doesn't end up with the mail, mercy no.  It ends up on my desk!  New books to catalog, they're not strewn all around the house mysteriously, they're on a chair by my desk!  Catalogs, software, play sandwhiches my ds brings me, you name it, it's all at/on/by my desk!  


What do I do??


I used to have inboxes (office style) but they were small and became their own hordes.  It's nice to say deal with things immediately, but I don't always feel consistently well.  (like I'll be fine and then do something crazy and have headaches for several weeks or a month)  So I need some kind of approach that handles the incoming when I'm not taking care of it and is there for me to jump into efficiently when I am ready.  But isn't that against the rules??  Does anybody do this?


My problems?


-catalogs.  Oh lands, there are clothing catalogs, joanns flyers, homeschooling catalogs, TC catalogs, blah blah

-mysteriously appearing toys and pieces of toys

-my research--I write everything I research, and while I *try* to get it all into spiral notebooks (one for each category of my life) I then end up with my notebooks mixed with dd's school notebooks and other important papers and... 

-stuff I intend to sell

-books to enter into my library software before putting away

-stuff to put away (usually means a trip to the basement)

-calculator--doesn't it ruin your day when you can't find it?  I hate the one on the computer.  My thin desk drawers (below the top) are full of who knows what from the days when all my life was on paper, meaning the calcs slide around and don't have a home, shuffle under things, or don't fit.  Hmm, that seems solveable.

-receipts--Ok, this is a horrible problem.  I used to keep them and decided that was insane.  So then I started pitching them and found occasionally I wanted them back.  So then I started keeping them with the bags of controversial things I thought I might return and then I had bags every where.  Can you scan them with an iphone and toss the receipt and return with the zapped receipt??  wow, that would be cool.  I have no clue.

-papers to do something with.  Honestly, I like to have those visible so I don't FORGET them.  If they're buried under CATALOGS and ipads and glasses and beanie lions and therabrushes and plastic sandwhiches and socks rescued from the dog, how do I remember my important things??


Ok, listing this out, it all doesn't seem quite as bad as I thought.  Still, do y'all have ways you handle these things?  And not the energy ball solution about how you deal with them RIGHT AWAY and would NEVER have a piece of paper land stray on your desk.  That's not me, lol.  


Oh, and if you really want to have fun, post a pic of your desk so we can see what you're describing!  :)

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My problems?


-catalogs.  Oh lands, there are clothing catalogs, joanns flyers, homeschooling catalogs, TC catalogs, blah blah

I cancelled every single catalog.  Now that I can shop online, I don't need them.  This has actually saved me money also!

-mysteriously appearing toys and pieces of toys

I have a plastic box and the kids know to look there before asking me if they can't find something.  Everyone once in a while I dump it out and we race to put things back in their places.

-my research--I write everything I research, and while I *try* to get it all into spiral notebooks (one for each category of my life) I then end up with my notebooks mixed with dd's school notebooks and other important papers and... 

Next time you buy spiral notebooks, buy a specific color for yourself.  If my kids stumble across a red colored notebook, they know it belongs to mom and they put it back on my desk.

-stuff I intend to sell

If you are trying to sell these things online, then take 15 minutes and post them.  Then I take them to the garage to where I place things that are too be sold.

-books to enter into my library software before putting away

I assigned this as typing class for two weeks for my dd and got everything in I needed entered.

-stuff to put away (usually means a trip to the basement)

Pick it up and take it down.  Create a basement dumping area if you must but just take it down.

-calculator--doesn't it ruin your day when you can't find it?  I hate the one on the computer.  My thin desk drawers (below the top) are full of who knows what from the days when all my life was on paper, meaning the calcs slide around and don't have a home, shuffle under things, or don't fit.  Hmm, that seems solveable.

I attached a magnet to the back of mine and attached it to the fridge, it lived there quite nicely for years until the kids were tall enough to grab it to use.  I have to find a new hiding place for mine also.

-receipts--Ok, this is a horrible problem.  I used to keep them and decided that was insane.  So then I started pitching them and found occasionally I wanted them back.  So then I started keeping them with the bags of controversial things I thought I might return and then I had bags every where.  Can you scan them with an iphone and toss the receipt and return with the zapped receipt??  wow, that would be cool.  I have no clue.

I think you need the original???? Don't know.  But I have an accordion styled file box that I store them in.  If it's for taxes it goes in a different area.  Each month has it's own divider and at the end of the month, I toss any that I don't need to keep.

-papers to do something with.  Honestly, I like to have those visible so I don't FORGET them.  If they're buried under CATALOGS and ipads and glasses and beanie lions and therabrushes and plastic sandwhiches and socks rescued from the dog, how do I remember my important things??

I have a Mom's Brain in a Binder where I immediately hole punch and put in anything paper wise that I need to keep.


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I put my desk in a location where it would be the catch all location to keep my table and living area cleared :)


My problems?


-catalogs.  Oh lands, there are clothing catalogs, joanns flyers, homeschooling catalogs, TC catalogs, blah blah

Trash Can unless you use them for a collage they go into the trash ASAP. If they will turn into a college have a bin for them somewhere not on your desk.


-mysteriously appearing toys and pieces of toys

I have a bucket for toy pieces. About once a week I hand it to DS with the instructions that they be put away.


-my research--I write everything I research, and while I *try* to get it all into spiral notebooks (one for each category of my life) I then end up with my notebooks mixed with dd's school notebooks and other important papers and... 

One of those binders with a massive file organization systems at the front. BEST INVENTION EVER.


-stuff I intend to sell

Online? At a resale shop? If online, I am no help. At a resale sop the items go in my very small car Sunday evening. I am less than 3 miles from the shop on Tuesday. After a couple of weeks of the stuff in my car I get annoyed and head over there.


-books to enter into my library software before putting away

A friend has a barcode scanner. I am a bit jealous. I started but did not complete the catalogue of my personal library. I feel your pain. 


-stuff to put away (usually means a trip to the basement)

That is why we have children. "DS this item goes in X spot in X room"


-calculator--doesn't it ruin your day when you can't find it?  I hate the one on the computer.  My thin desk drawers (below the top) are full of who knows what from the days when all my life was on paper, meaning the calcs slide around and don't have a home, shuffle under things, or don't fit.  Hmm, that seems solveable.

I am about to glue one to my desk.


-receipts--Ok, this is a horrible problem.  I used to keep them and decided that was insane.  So then I started pitching them and found occasionally I wanted them back.  So then I started keeping them with the bags of controversial things I thought I might return and then I had bags every where.  Can you scan them with an iphone and toss the receipt and return with the zapped receipt??  wow, that would be cool.  I have no clue.

Check out the app Cam scanner


-papers to do something with.  Honestly, I like to have those visible so I don't FORGET them.  If they're buried under CATALOGS and ipads and glasses and beanie lions and therabrushes and plastic sandwhiches and socks rescued from the dog, how do I remember my important things??

Camscanner. DS speed skates and I spend far too much time sitting at the gym while he does dry land. I bought a travel file organizer box with handle and lid. I sort and organize papers at the gym. I get weird looks but whatever. I also use this time to scan in the pages I need to copy in his school books etc etc etc.


Ok, listing this out, it all doesn't seem quite as bad as I thought.  Still, do y'all have ways you handle these things?  And not the energy ball solution about how you deal with them RIGHT AWAY and would NEVER have a piece of paper land stray on your desk.  That's not me, lol.  


Oh, and if you really want to have fun, post a pic of your desk so we can see what you're describing!   :)

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ipad app/mac os app for Library Books (both free)  


Tells me what I have checked out and when they're due.


These are cool, especially the 2nd one!  I didn't know there was such a thing, but I guess I should have.  :D

My problems?


-catalogs.  Oh lands, there are clothing catalogs, joanns flyers, homeschooling catalogs, TC catalogs, blah blah

I cancelled every single catalog.  Now that I can shop online, I don't need them.  This has actually saved me money also!

-mysteriously appearing toys and pieces of toys

I have a plastic box and the kids know to look there before asking me if they can't find something.  Everyone once in a while I dump it out and we race to put things back in their places.

-my research--I write everything I research, and while I *try* to get it all into spiral notebooks (one for each category of my life) I then end up with my notebooks mixed with dd's school notebooks and other important papers and... 

Next time you buy spiral notebooks, buy a specific color for yourself.  If my kids stumble across a red colored notebook, they know it belongs to mom and they put it back on my desk.

-stuff I intend to sell

If you are trying to sell these things online, then take 15 minutes and post them.  Then I take them to the garage to where I place things that are too be sold.

-books to enter into my library software before putting away

I assigned this as typing class for two weeks for my dd and got everything in I needed entered.

-stuff to put away (usually means a trip to the basement)

Pick it up and take it down.  Create a basement dumping area if you must but just take it down.

-calculator--doesn't it ruin your day when you can't find it?  I hate the one on the computer.  My thin desk drawers (below the top) are full of who knows what from the days when all my life was on paper, meaning the calcs slide around and don't have a home, shuffle under things, or don't fit.  Hmm, that seems solveable.

I attached a magnet to the back of mine and attached it to the fridge, it lived there quite nicely for years until the kids were tall enough to grab it to use.  I have to find a new hiding place for mine also.

-receipts--Ok, this is a horrible problem.  I used to keep them and decided that was insane.  So then I started pitching them and found occasionally I wanted them back.  So then I started keeping them with the bags of controversial things I thought I might return and then I had bags every where.  Can you scan them with an iphone and toss the receipt and return with the zapped receipt??  wow, that would be cool.  I have no clue.

I think you need the original???? Don't know.  But I have an accordion styled file box that I store them in.  If it's for taxes it goes in a different area.  Each month has it's own divider and at the end of the month, I toss any that I don't need to keep.

-papers to do something with.  Honestly, I like to have those visible so I don't FORGET them.  If they're buried under CATALOGS and ipads and glasses and beanie lions and therabrushes and plastic sandwhiches and socks rescued from the dog, how do I remember my important things??

I have a Mom's Brain in a Binder where I immediately hole punch and put in anything paper wise that I need to keep.

No way, you can CANCEL catalogs?!?!  I didn't know that!!!  I'll have to think through that.  A few are nice to receive, because they come with codes, but most just plague me.  I cancel emails, but it hadn't occurred to me to cancel catalogs, lol.  And a bin for the pieces, well I hadn't thought of that!  You're right, it would be a simple solution, fab.  I never outsource entering my new books, not sure why.  Well I do know why, because I want it done just so.  That's fine though.  If there rest of my desk were clean, that pile wouldn't bug me.  I hadn't thought about doing receipts by month.  I started doing that for the coupon flyers that come in the mail, and I do like that.  Just hadn't occurred to me for receipts.  


I'll look up that Mom's Brain Binder.  My papers are actionable, something to cancel, something to renew, that kind of thing.  Nothing with dates, so sometimes they turn into the when you get to it.  Hmm, SURELY I'm brilliant enough to figure this out?  They just need a tidy little slot.  But I'm telling you that slot turns into slime...  You know it almost seems like what I do is leave the paper on my desk to REMIND me to do something, kwim?  Maybe I transfer that to a sticky (digital, on the computer) and toss the paper?  That might work.  In reality that's what I'm doing.  


I hadn't thought about a new location for my calculator.  I'll have to think on that!  Might save me some grief!



I put my desk in a location where it would be the catch all location to keep my table and living area cleared :)


My problems?


-catalogs.  Oh lands, there are clothing catalogs, joanns flyers, homeschooling catalogs, TC catalogs, blah blah

Trash Can unless you use them for a collage they go into the trash ASAP. If they will turn into a college have a bin for them somewhere not on your desk.


-mysteriously appearing toys and pieces of toys

I have a bucket for toy pieces. About once a week I hand it to DS with the instructions that they be put away.


-my research--I write everything I research, and while I *try* to get it all into spiral notebooks (one for each category of my life) I then end up with my notebooks mixed with dd's school notebooks and other important papers and... 

One of those binders with a massive file organization systems at the front. BEST INVENTION EVER.


-stuff I intend to sell

Online? At a resale shop? If online, I am no help. At a resale sop the items go in my very small car Sunday evening. I am less than 3 miles from the shop on Tuesday. After a couple of weeks of the stuff in my car I get annoyed and head over there.


-books to enter into my library software before putting away

A friend has a barcode scanner. I am a bit jealous. I started but did not complete the catalogue of my personal library. I feel your pain. 


-stuff to put away (usually means a trip to the basement)

That is why we have children. "DS this item goes in X spot in X room"


-calculator--doesn't it ruin your day when you can't find it?  I hate the one on the computer.  My thin desk drawers (below the top) are full of who knows what from the days when all my life was on paper, meaning the calcs slide around and don't have a home, shuffle under things, or don't fit.  Hmm, that seems solveable.

I am about to glue one to my desk.


-receipts--Ok, this is a horrible problem.  I used to keep them and decided that was insane.  So then I started pitching them and found occasionally I wanted them back.  So then I started keeping them with the bags of controversial things I thought I might return and then I had bags every where.  Can you scan them with an iphone and toss the receipt and return with the zapped receipt??  wow, that would be cool.  I have no clue.

Check out the app Cam scanner


-papers to do something with.  Honestly, I like to have those visible so I don't FORGET them.  If they're buried under CATALOGS and ipads and glasses and beanie lions and therabrushes and plastic sandwhiches and socks rescued from the dog, how do I remember my important things??

Camscanner. DS speed skates and I spend far too much time sitting at the gym while he does dry land. I bought a travel file organizer box with handle and lid. I sort and organize papers at the gym. I get weird looks but whatever. I also use this time to scan in the pages I need to copy in his school books etc etc etc.


Ok, listing this out, it all doesn't seem quite as bad as I thought.  Still, do y'all have ways you handle these things?  And not the energy ball solution about how you deal with them RIGHT AWAY and would NEVER have a piece of paper land stray on your desk.  That's not me, lol.  


Oh, and if you really want to have fun, post a pic of your desk so we can see what you're describing!   :)


You're the 2nd person to say stray toy bucket, so that's a must do!  :)  Camscanner, hadn't heard of that.  I'll look it up!  

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Check out Catalog Choice online. Many companies have agreed to use their "do not mail me" list. I used to get lots of catalogs but now only get 5-6 copies  per year, all at Christmas time.


I have 5 magazine files for papers and I deal with one box each weekday:


TO SORT (dump everything as it comes in, sorted on Mondays)

TO PAY (bills for which I need to take action with, done on Tuesdays)

TO DO (anything I need to get done from the mail, done on Wednesdays)

TO FILE (everything I need to file, done Thursdays)

TO READ (throw in anything I want to peruse and read on Fridays)


If you keep up with it (and I sometimes don't) it's just a few minutes/day except the reading. That's why i put reading on Fridays so it can lead into the weekend if needed.




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Or maybe just solve my problem?   :D  Seriously, I have a flow problem.  I get stuff in and it all lands on my desk, around my desk.  So my island doesn't end up with the mail, mercy no.  It ends up on my desk!  New books to catalog, they're not strewn all around the house mysteriously, they're on a chair by my desk!  Catalogs, software, play sandwhiches my ds brings me, you name it, it's all at/on/by my desk!  


What do I do??


I used to have inboxes (office style) but they were small and became their own hordes.  It's nice to say deal with things immediately, but I don't always feel consistently well.  (like I'll be fine and then do something crazy and have headaches for several weeks or a month)  So I need some kind of approach that handles the incoming when I'm not taking care of it and is there for me to jump into efficiently when I am ready.  But isn't that against the rules??  Does anybody do this?


My problems?


-catalogs.  Oh lands, there are clothing catalogs, joanns flyers, homeschooling catalogs, TC catalogs, blah blah

-mysteriously appearing toys and pieces of toys

-my research--I write everything I research, and while I *try* to get it all into spiral notebooks (one for each category of my life) I then end up with my notebooks mixed with dd's school notebooks and other important papers and... 

-stuff I intend to sell

-books to enter into my library software before putting away

-stuff to put away (usually means a trip to the basement)

-calculator--doesn't it ruin your day when you can't find it?  I hate the one on the computer.  My thin desk drawers (below the top) are full of who knows what from the days when all my life was on paper, meaning the calcs slide around and don't have a home, shuffle under things, or don't fit.  Hmm, that seems solveable.

-receipts--Ok, this is a horrible problem.  I used to keep them and decided that was insane.  So then I started pitching them and found occasionally I wanted them back.  So then I started keeping them with the bags of controversial things I thought I might return and then I had bags every where.  Can you scan them with an iphone and toss the receipt and return with the zapped receipt??  wow, that would be cool.  I have no clue.

-papers to do something with.  Honestly, I like to have those visible so I don't FORGET them.  If they're buried under CATALOGS and ipads and glasses and beanie lions and therabrushes and plastic sandwhiches and socks rescued from the dog, how do I remember my important things??


Ok, listing this out, it all doesn't seem quite as bad as I thought.  Still, do y'all have ways you handle these things?  And not the energy ball solution about how you deal with them RIGHT AWAY and would NEVER have a piece of paper land stray on your desk.  That's not me, lol.  


Oh, and if you really want to have fun, post a pic of your desk so we can see what you're describing!   :)


Here's some ideas for you. Let me say, I am literally writing the book on organization, but I'm also not always on top of every piece of paper and cannot organize myself that way. So, I understand how annoying it is when (usually male) organizers say you should "simply handle all mail the instant it walks in the door." 


Catalogs - I hear ya on this, especially at this time of year. I don't want to throw every one right in the trash because I do in fact shop from several catalogs and frankly, sometimes I just like looking through them while I eat my lunch! So, here's what I do with catalogs: The mail comes in the house and is usually on the kitchen table. When I get around to addressing it (many times, before a meal when I need the table clear), I divide the catalogs into two piles: potential and no potential. There are a few that come that have beautiful things, but everything is unforgivably expensive, so that has no potential. The no potential pile goes right to recycling. (Other junk mail that has no potential goes directly there, too, like flyers or ad stuff I don't want.) I have a nice, rectangular basket, with a lid, where I put those with potential. (BTW, when I start getting a new LL Bean every third day, they become "no potential". I don't need fifteen of them.) This way, I still have the catalogs I might want to look at for a few months, but they aren't laying all over.


Little bits of toys - In our home, these are most often Legos. I keep a little basket down here that I'll chuck them in as I come across them and have ds take them where they belong later. 


Socks/clothing - I have a hamper on the first floor (laundry is upstairs). The hamper is for anything like this that didn't make it to a bedroom, or for cloth napkins, towels and cleaning cloths.  This works well for me because the bits of clothing make it to their original owner eventually when I do the laundry. 


Receipts - I keep receipts because I log my expenses fanatically. Sometimes, they pile up rather quickly (like now, with Christmas shopping). I do put them in my Inbox and address the logging at least once a week. (I just worked on this today, matter of fact). Once they are logged, I have a place to file them. I only keep those that might be needed. I don't keep the Panera one, say, after it's logged. Usually at the beginning of a year, I toss all receipts from the previous year, except expensive items (bought a new computer, for example) or Christmas items that could perhaps still be returned. 


Research - Okay, I'm not great about this, either, but I do have spirals for certain things, like "Travel." So, if I'm looking into travel, I *try* to stick with the one travel notebook. For the sake of honesty, I do end up with legal pads, small and large, with all manner of ideas, thoughts, lists, considerations, and so on written on them! 


I make files for other things that are important but don't need action soon, i.e., college info for my dd, medical papers, etc. For bills that will need paying soon, Inbox. I keep things out of my Inbox that will not need addressing in the very near future. This way, I know at a glance that paper in that bin needs to be addressed. 


My Inbox has three tiers and the top is where I put those "Action" items. The other two tiers are "Under Consideration" and "File." I strive not to put much in those, but this is a way to keep something "out" where I'm aware of it's existence, but not messy and all over in a hot mess. I put offers/coupons/ideas in the UC slot until I've decided to act on it or not. 


I'll try to post a photo when I get a chance, but...well, it seems unduly complex to post on here, so we'll see. 

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Check out Catalog Choice online. Many companies have agreed to use their "do not mail me" list. I used to get lots of catalogs but now only get 5-6 copies  per year, all at Christmas time.


I have 5 magazine files for papers and I deal with one box each weekday:


TO SORT (dump everything as it comes in, sorted on Mondays)

TO PAY (bills for which I need to take action with, done on Tuesdays)

TO DO (anything I need to get done from the mail, done on Wednesdays)

TO FILE (everything I need to file, done Thursdays)

TO READ (throw in anything I want to peruse and read on Fridays)


If you keep up with it (and I sometimes don't) it's just a few minutes/day except the reading. That's why i put reading on Fridays so it can lead into the weekend if needed.

Immensely helpful.  I immediately went to CC and registered, and it's FABULOUS!  Love your magazine file dividers.  I'm going through my stuff to see what falls into what categories, whether I need different categories, no categories, whatever.  I'm just tackling one bit at a time.  Thanks!  :)

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Here's some ideas for you. Let me say, I am literally writing the book on organization, but I'm also not always on top of every piece of paper and cannot organize myself that way. So, I understand how annoying it is when (usually male) organizers say you should "simply handle all mail the instant it walks in the door." 


Catalogs - I hear ya on this, especially at this time of year. I don't want to throw every one right in the trash because I do in fact shop from several catalogs and frankly, sometimes I just like looking through them while I eat my lunch! So, here's what I do with catalogs: The mail comes in the house and is usually on the kitchen table. When I get around to addressing it (many times, before a meal when I need the table clear), I divide the catalogs into two piles: potential and no potential. There are a few that come that have beautiful things, but everything is unforgivably expensive, so that has no potential. The no potential pile goes right to recycling. (Other junk mail that has no potential goes directly there, too, like flyers or ad stuff I don't want.) I have a nice, rectangular basket, with a lid, where I put those with potential. (BTW, when I start getting a new LL Bean every third day, they become "no potential". I don't need fifteen of them.) This way, I still have the catalogs I might want to look at for a few months, but they aren't laying all over.


Little bits of toys - In our home, these are most often Legos. I keep a little basket down here that I'll chuck them in as I come across them and have ds take them where they belong later. 


Socks/clothing - I have a hamper on the first floor (laundry is upstairs). The hamper is for anything like this that didn't make it to a bedroom, or for cloth napkins, towels and cleaning cloths.  This works well for me because the bits of clothing make it to their original owner eventually when I do the laundry. 


Receipts - I keep receipts because I log my expenses fanatically. Sometimes, they pile up rather quickly (like now, with Christmas shopping). I do put them in my Inbox and address the logging at least once a week. (I just worked on this today, matter of fact). Once they are logged, I have a place to file them. I only keep those that might be needed. I don't keep the Panera one, say, after it's logged. Usually at the beginning of a year, I toss all receipts from the previous year, except expensive items (bought a new computer, for example) or Christmas items that could perhaps still be returned. 


Research - Okay, I'm not great about this, either, but I do have spirals for certain things, like "Travel." So, if I'm looking into travel, I *try* to stick with the one travel notebook. For the sake of honesty, I do end up with legal pads, small and large, with all manner of ideas, thoughts, lists, considerations, and so on written on them! 


I make files for other things that are important but don't need action soon, i.e., college info for my dd, medical papers, etc. For bills that will need paying soon, Inbox. I keep things out of my Inbox that will not need addressing in the very near future. This way, I know at a glance that paper in that bin needs to be addressed. 


My Inbox has three tiers and the top is where I put those "Action" items. The other two tiers are "Under Consideration" and "File." I strive not to put much in those, but this is a way to keep something "out" where I'm aware of it's existence, but not messy and all over in a hot mess. I put offers/coupons/ideas in the UC slot until I've decided to act on it or not. 


I'll try to post a photo when I get a chance, but...well, it seems unduly complex to post on here, so we'll see. 

Hehe, I think I'm like you.  I like a few catalogs, but a backlog of CBD catalogs or LLBean means we start vertical filing!  I think I'm going to for bin idea.  I do like to have them.  Do you get Teaching Company catalogs?  What do you do about those?  I'm not convinced I want to buy anymore.  I got a few when they were doing deals, and they're so auditory, the most dd wants to do with them right now is listen while she does something else.  Maybe that's something I should just cancel and let them start again if I ever want them again...


Yes, I have a very clearly labeled file system for all my stuff I save, including notes from previous school conventions, that sort of thing.  I think my error was allowing the current use FILES to be out with my research stuff.  I'm going to clear those files out of the cute basket on my desk and have that be only for research notebooks.  Then I'll be fine.  The calculators will go in there, and then I'll know where they are too.  :D


This is cracking me up that I didn't know about bins to catch misc. pieces and toys.  What a hoot.  I'm a dishpan lady, so this is so easy to fix right away!

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Do you get Teaching Company catalogs?  What do you do about those?  I'm not convinced I want to buy anymore.  I got a few when they were doing deals, and they're so auditory, the most dd wants to do with them right now is listen while she does something else.  Maybe that's something I should just cancel and let them start again if I ever want them again...


I used to. I used to have a magazine file where I kept homeschool materials catalogs. That way, when I was ready to order, I had a catalog. Now, though, I don't get many materials catalogs. I mostly use RR. Also, I did used to drool over Teaching Company - Oh! The Possibilities! But the reality is, my kids don't care for them much. Also, my local library does carry several TC series, if I was really itching to get another.  We're pretty settled in what materials we use, so I'm not too big anymore on looking at all the possibilities. It just clouds the issue for me, so in this case, a little ignorance is bliss. 

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The Mom's Brain in a Binder is a customized binder that I built following some advice for the Control Journal at Flylady.net and at other organizational websites.  It literally is my brain in a binder.  I keep it by the back door which is our escape route if we ever have a fire.  With that one binder I could leave with the clothes on my back and resettle anywhere in the world!  My hubby knows that I expect him as a fire fighter to get that binder out of the house unharmed! LOL


But seriously, it's just a list of instructions on how to get things replaced, passwords for online accounts where I keep digital pictures, and other info I need stored off the property.  It has medical info for each of us, clothing sizes, IEP's for the kids, emergency contact #'s, instructions for shutting off gas, oil, etc to the whole property.  If I ever develop Alzheimer's my family can keep going without me being all mentally there because basically my brain is in that binder.

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