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Weekly Report 12.14.13

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Week 14. Because of the new baby and a move overseas in 6 weeks, and my dh's deploment this spring, I have officially dropped spelling and grammar for the rest of the year. And memory work and poetry, at least until the spring. Only doing Latin, math, writing, and history with the Bigs, and reading and handwriting with my K'er. Keeping it simple and streamlined. I kind of like it.

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For this week, I'm going to share my Mapping the World with Art Review.  This took us about 1.5 years to finish, and I treated it as a fun elective to do on Thursdays when we had time available. 


Our other subjects are going pretty good, though I do feel more pressure during the holiday season.

We are using Mapping the World with Art for our co-op. It's just a great program. I love it! And the maps the kids are drawing are amazing!

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