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Friday's Teachers' Lounge 12-13-13


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Happy Friday the 13th! One of my daughter's favorite days! She's gone the opposite route of many others and has decided

that 13 is a LUCKY number and Friday the 13th is a GREAT day!  My husband, on the other hand, is not enjoying today much.
He works on commission and last paycheck was close to being not enough and the next one will definitely not be enough. 

However, I am thankful we have the Emergency Fund, as encouraged by Dave Ramsey, so we'll survive another month and a half at least.

Feast of famine, that is how commission works. And God provides! He has proven this over and over again, so I know we'll get through this.

And to help me focus on what is RIGHT, I've realized I need to be thankful. I am thankful for each of YOU! It's interesting to see what's going on

in each of our corners of the homeschooling world. I'm thankful for my daughter's Biology teacher who, when seeing how stressed I was yesterday, 

graciously extended the deadline for my daughter's project (which would require significant time from me because I'd have to drive her a few places)
from this Tuesday to when she returns to class in January.  I am thankful to my comedian friend Bob Smiley who extended a kindness to my husband

and I this week. I am truly thankful for laughter! So....tell me the most humorous thing that happened to you this week! I'm trying to remember what my

son said the other day...but what he said one day while talking to my husband is this. My husband said something had happened Monday night. My 9yo

ds said, "Oh, you mean Mon-night!"  8)


As for snacks in the Lounge today, I have a few Cuties, some beef taquitos, and I'm getting ready to make some apple cinnamon muffins.




Talk to me! :bigear:

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Hi ya, Scrap!  I'm serving breakfast - fried eggs, everything bagel thin and kombucha tea!  (You might not want to breakfast with me, but you're welcome! :lol: )  We're getting low on snacks.  I do have some chocolate coins and tortilla chips.


I just found out last night that our budget has been more than halved - pretty much effective immediately.  (This may change.  Hopefully it will change.  But right now all I can focus on is dealing with the facts as they stand right now and not try to hatch any chickens before their time.  Needless to say there will be some scrambling today on my part so that we can pay the mortgage etc.)  


Humorous - I shared this on another thread:  (this is a Minecraft funny exchange between my kids):

Dd - How do I make an awkward potion?

Ds - Raise it with no friends and then send it to college.





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Hello - Happy Friday.  I am serving chocolate, gluten-free, nut-free birthday cake with a buttercream frosting.  My middle child is 13 today.     We're going to see the Hobbit tonight. Sunday, she and her closest friend, whose birthday was yesterday, are having a HP birthday party.  They've been busy for a month making horcruxes and stuff for the party.    I have spent the day cleaning the carpets and trying to get work finished early so I can go to the movie.  I think those two goals are mutually exclusive, but I'm trying.


I have a funny for you that has been cracking up the girls.   



If you say "gullible" really slowly, it rhymes with "orange".



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Here is a true story.  My sister is two years older than I am.  When we were little, she told me that "gullible" was not in the dictionary.  I believed her for a long time.   When I told my older dd that story, she gave me a sad face and said that she's happy that I've always been a trusting person.  



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