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dog ate bag of granola, is this kid stool softener safe?


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my labradoodle helped herself to a bag of granola while we were at church :glare:


the bag contained 2 cups, and it had been used, so I'm guessing she ate maybe one cup or maybe one cup and 1/3 at the most.  Gave her lots of water, just saw her go outside and try to go but didn't do anything, I'm thinking she may be a little stopped up. Any suggestions?  I have this natural kid stool softener capsules that I use for myself (I have to take lots of iron pills) and it is really gentle, so I'm thinking of emptying one into her food at dinner to "help" a bit. 


the capsule has flax seed, prune fruit, fig fruit, rhubarb root, peach leaf and then some acidophilus.  anyone see something I shouldn't give a dog?  or does anyone else have a suggestion on what to give her.  I'd rather not take her to the vet right away if we can manage this at home, if she doesn't produce anything after 24 hours then I will take her to the vet.


edit to add: she's a big labradoodle, mostly standard poodle size.

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As long as the granola doesn't contain macadamia nuts, xylitol, or raisins, she should be fine.



If you want to, you can give her a couple of tablespoons of canned pumpkin (not the pie filling, just plain pumpkin).  It is a frequently recommended treat for diarrhea and constipation in dogs -- don't ask me how it works both ways!


Don't give her the capsule.  Rhubarb is toxic to dogs, cats, and horses.


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If she just ate it this morning, and it doesn't contain any of the ingredients Rough Collie listed, then I wouldn't worry about it.  If she's still straining to go tomorrow then I'd consider giving her something.  Pumpkin is good, as is non-flavored Metamucil.  A brisk walk will often help a dog "go."

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thank you!!!  the granola did not have any of those ingredients, so I'll just wait and see.  I do have pumpkin, I was kind of thinking of that.  I often make her homemade food with yams, I was kind of thinking in that direction. 


Rough Collie, thanks I didn't know that the rhubarb was not good for dogs, I'm so glad I asked here and that you answered. :)


she seems like herself....I'll give her some pumpkin with her breakfast and take her for a walk.


thanks Hive!

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Hen, I didn't know about rhubarb either, until I looked up the ingredients of your capsule.


If you can't use the leftover pumpkin, put 2T in muffin cups and freeze it.  In a couple of hours, stick the frozen lumps in a freezer bag for the next time you want to give your dog pumpkin.  You don't have to wait until the dog isn't well or has eaten something unusual - a lot of dogs like pumpkin and it's good for them!


I made 2 pumpkin pies without sugar at Thanksgiving, and that's what I did with them.  (The 1/4 tsp of nutmeg in each pie was not enough to poison my dog.)

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