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Naming the family pet....how?? Who does it??


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We kind of all put in our votes and get a list going then usually one just sticks.


Splash is one of our dog's name. I love it but dd3 at the time named him. She kept calling him her Splash dog because she'd never seen a Portuguese Water Dog before and the breeder had a dog named Splash so she though all PWDs were splashdogs. Older kids thought it was funny so Splash he is.


Rosie was named by older dd, she had begged for a puppy and we decided to go ahead as Splash is getting old. DD took ideas, votes, asked question and finally got it down to Rosie or Ruby. More people voted for Rosie so there it is.


Vet actually named on of our cats, we rescued orphan kittens and bottle fed them. When we went to vet we hadn't named them yet so he labeled them black male, orange female, etc and one he called buff. My kids thought that was the funniest thing they'd heard so is name became Buff. Siblings were Hugo (name of street found), Clementine (she is orange) and Sophie after Christmas book cat.


One thing though, we never end up naming animal the original name we think is so cool and we will use. Not one.


Schuyler became Maxine

Shasta became Domino


Maybe we're just weird.


Have fun.

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