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s/o TV Limits


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When mine were little I was much stricter about tv time.  When I was working full time they got a half hour show while I was making dinner. (Yes, I know in, they should have been in the kitchen with me-yadda, yadda, yadda, get off my back).  When  they were school age -no tv until after dinner.  Then they watched for an hour and it was time for bed.  On the weekends I was always more lax about it.  Now that they are teens the no tv until after all school work is completed still applies.  Other then that there are no rules.  Unless I see detrimental behavior and then I will unplug them from everything for a few days.

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We are not big screen people. We don't have cable or video games. Just never has been a big part of our family culture and routine. 


The TV is never on here during the day unless to watch a video for school.


Once in a while, they will watch a dvd in the afternoon, especially if the weather is horrible or someone is sick.


We watch Nature on PBS together as a family on Sunday nights. Once a month or so we will watch a movie together. We will likely watch the Live Sound of Music this Thursday. 


My kids do watch cartoons on PBS for a couple of hours on Saturday mornings, if we aren't out and about. 


Generally, when DH and I watch TV it is after our kids go to bed. I watch Downton Abbey and occasionally Shark Tank or Master Chef.


DH watches UT football and basketball (even though they are not any good!)and the big golf tournaments. We watch the Olympics when they are on


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