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Cursive fixed my sons messy handwriting, what do I do about numbers?


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My son has always had horrible writing.  It really changed for the better when he learned cursive. Now it's actually legible and nice.  


His numbers, however, still look like chicken scratch.  His writing is so bad, that often he gets a math problem wrong because he can't read his own writing on previous steps.


Any advice?

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Write them all out as words? Just kidding. I know how serious the issue is--my son is in a similar fix. I spend time reminding him that little misunderstandings like that make airplanes fall out of the sky, etc. if not caught and fixed--less likely now that engineers use computers to analyze the data, but entirely possible. If you've read Carry On, Mr. Bowditch, you know that maritime calculation tables that were wrong killed many people and nearly wiped out the notion of scientific navigation. Anytime I blow things way out of proportion, it adds a bit of humor/bit of caution to the mix at the same time and gets him to try to make things neater. I don't stress it on every problem or bad days.

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Yes, I try not to get on his case every day...or even every other day...but today was so bad that I had him recopy all of his math problems over again. I simply couldn't read it well enough to correct it, and he made an error on every other problem.  (They were writing errors, not math...like he wrote a one so lightly that he couldn't see it, or couldn't tell the difference between his own zero and six.)


Humor is a good idea. :)

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How old is he? HWT has great print instruction for letters and numbers and maybe Getty Dubay Italic. My son does cursive which has helped greatly and has gotten better over the course of 4 to 5 years. Maybe just lots of practice?


He's 10.  We did use HWT awhile back...I can pull that out and have him work on the numbers.  Great idea....actually forgot that it's still sitting on the shelf....somewhere. :)

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