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Keeping kids on task and getting work done!


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I've really been struggling with my dd10 and ds8.  They work independently doing math while I work with ds6.  All while dd1 and ds4 play and distract in other room.  DD1 likes to be by us, too.  My point is lots of kid juggling for me and I am not able to give each kid the needed time.  Poor dd4 gets about zero attention....I'm trying!


Anyways, I am looking for tips/advice in regards to keeping things moving.  I feel so pressured trying to get in math, spelling, english before lunch.  This then gives us time to get in (barely) history after lunch.  I've been slacking on dd's IEW and we slack at getting science done.  DD is 5th grade and though i'd like to, I haven't been able to do Latin with her (anything extremely independent she could use??) or logic, etc.  My 3rd grader can barely write a decent sentence (spelling, handwriting, etc.) so he needs a lot more help with his work.


Math needs to be done in 1 hour or less.  SOmetimes they work quickly but generally they work slowly, barely having time for the other things we need to do.  I will move to the next subject but then we get behind.  I threaten it to be work they have to do later instead of free time but they struggle with having to sit and do school for such a "long" time.


Ideas?  Is it a discipline issue?  How do you teach your child to focus and work diligently?  I allow for stretching, snack time, etc.  Maybe we need to start earlier?  We usually start around 9:30-10.  This is mainly because my husband is home until that time and we slooooowly get breakfast and dressed for the day (well, it is them that are too slow not us), and then do family devotions (which is important and gets done consistently if done in A.M.).


It also doesn't help that I am a little stressed about how dd8 seems to be "behind" where I'd like him to be.  He is suppose to be 3rd grade, doing 2nd grade math, barely can spell or write.  Grammar is like pulling teeth.  


Thanks for listening to me vent.  I know something needs to change since every day I am frustrated and wanting to send them to school (which is not an option due to cost--no public for us).



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Yes, you do need to start earlier. It isn't going to "fix" your problem, but it'll help with your goals. You won't feel so scrunched.


Have DH help you while he is there to get started earlier. Figure out who you are going to "get started" with - and get something done with one kid before 9 a.m. while DH is helping clean up from breakfast and get the smaller ones dressed. (Even if you are doing it with them while they are still in PJs.)


At 9 a.m., have family devotions (while DH is still there!). Then, give dd4 some time with you. Read something to her. I would have recommended Shirley's Prepackaged Crafts, but they're out of business now & I'm not sure where to go for MY kid's crafts because like you, I'm strapped for time. (It isn't nearly the same, but I'm pulling from Learn-Create-Love right now.) While you are doing this, the 6, 8 & 10 year old can be doing some chores and/or keeping the 1 yr old occupied.


See DH off.


Then, sit down & continue your day. You've already gotten something done with one kid (for right now, maybe it is reading stuff with ds8 or IEW with dd10) and given dd4 some attention!


Don't make math go more than 30 minutes with ds8 or 45 with dd10. Seriously. I've been there. You get less done the longer it goes. Your goal is to make progress every day, not save the world. You have a long time still for ds8 to 'catch up.' Don't make him hate math by stressing him out over it. (Ask me how I know.) Take the time you need to cover topics and get them solid. If you need work on math facts, you can have him work on those later - in a 10-15 minute separate section of the day.


Don't worry about grammar with ds8 yet. Handwriting, reading, and some spelling should be your focus more than grammar. (If you feel the need for grammar, fit in something gentle with all your kids & do the Sentence Family. It can double with art time.)


There are other things you can do to help with this, but YOU setting the plan up & keeping on top of things is the first step. (Ask me how I know.) I have completely been there; see my sig. Heck, I wish I had two or three of me some days. It is doable. 

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This is totally our house too, and I only have three! I double what Rootann said. Those are all good tips. I find if I do not get started before 9, it all goes to he** in a hand basket quite quickly after breakfast. It sounds like you are doing a lot with them. If you want to add in Latin, have you tied just something simple like English from the Roots Up? It is basically just Latin and Greek roots words (all vocabulary), but when we did it, we did two words a week, and you will be surprised how much they get from just that!

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I too try to keep math down in time to less than 30 minutes during a typical day  for children younger than 11,.


 If we don't make much progress during the 30 minutes during the school day I do supplementary stuff like ThatQuiz, games, flashcards, quick timed drills etc at different times in the day.  In fact, my 10 year old generally does math twice a day -- one part for more conceptual work (first thing in the morning) and one part for drill (he does this just before he gets his free time in the afternoon so he is motivated to finish quickly)


I have assigned short math things for "homework" too -- doing a bit in the evening seems to change the pace for them.  


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