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MFW K for a 4 yr old? Or FIAR? Or something else?

Annie Laurie

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My 4 yr old loves to tag along with his siblings and is doing well, but he really wants his own thing. Everyday he asks me what "projects" he can do and I give him art stuff but he insists that's not school. He has workbooks he can do as he likes but he still requests "projects".


I really don't think anything is needed for PreK except being read to and cuddled a lot and we have that covered. We're reading through SL PreK and have a lot of other picture books. He is a beginning, cvc word, BOB book reader. This is just from picking up things from his siblings. I don't want to rush things, I don't care if he gets much beyond that for now. I'm comfortable with just playing word games with him as we go through our day.


I also already have a full schedule with my other kids, highschool level work with my oldest.


So what I need is something simple, easy to implement, fun for my little guy, a special time for just him and I, and not time consuming. 30 minutes or so would make him happy and be feasible with the other school stuff we need to fit in.


He is advanced in fine motor skills and attention span so he can really follow directions and do a lot of writing and cutting himself, if that makes a difference in what would work for him.


Would you do MFW K or FIAR in that situation?

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We are doing WinterPromise I'm Ready to Learn with a young 4 who could be a twin to yours. We are LOVING IT. What I have done is remove the time constraint. Others on the WP forum say the program takes 45 min per day but I couldn't say. I don't ever do a whole day's worth. It is exactly what you describe, projects with some readiness skill stuff cleverly disguised. It's very easy to grab and go.

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Based on the fact that your child is already reading cvc words I would NOT do MFW-K unless you simply don't care if you skip all the phonics portion.


As far as doing the science portion of MFW-K and doing FIAR I find FIAR much more complete and just as easy to use.

~~They both have projects, but MFW-K is mostly limited to science where FIAR has one, unless you choose to do more, subject per day (arts, math, history/geography, science, or LA) in addition to reading the FIAR title.

~~FIAR has info built in the guide too. So for a little one you only need the FIAR guide and the assigned reader unless you want more pictures or reading on the subject. With MFW-K you will have to find info on the science topic yourself as none is provided in the guide.

~~Both MFW-K and FIAR can be completed in a very short amount of time especially if you skip the phonics in MFW-K.

~~The Bible portion of MFW-K is a memory verse and character trait each week. FIAR (if you buy the Bible/chararacter suppliment) covers a good deal of Bible reading (aprox a chapter or two) that can be spread over the week that covers the character trait being taught.


I have to say that the books assigned in FIAR are some of the most precious books I have ever run across. I had been having problems with empty picture books and some were even teaching bad character. But then after being blessed with some FIAR books from a wonderful mama, I fell in love. No more empty picture books in this house. :)


If you want more info like some samples of what a mini unit will look like just pm me and I will be glad to help!

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We are doing WinterPromise I'm Ready to Learn with a young 4 who could be a twin to yours. We are LOVING IT. What I have done is remove the time constraint. Others on the WP forum say the program takes 45 min per day but I couldn't say. I don't ever do a whole day's worth. It is exactly what you describe, projects with some readiness skill stuff cleverly disguised. It's very easy to grab and go.


Hi Jennifer,

We owned it awhile ago and sold it. Now I kind of wish I could look through the activity books again. It wasn't a good fit at the time though.

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Based on the fact that your child is already reading cvc words I would NOT do MFW-K unless you simply don't care if you skip all the phonics portion.


As far as doing the science portion of MFW-K and doing FIAR I find FIAR much more complete and just as easy to use.

~~They both have projects, but MFW-K is mostly limited to science where FIAR has one, unless you choose to do more, subject per day (arts, math, history/geography, science, or LA) in addition to reading the FIAR title.

~~FIAR has info built in the guide too. So for a little one you only need the FIAR guide and the assigned reader unless you want more pictures or reading on the subject. With MFW-K you will have to find info on the science topic yourself as none is provided in the guide.

~~Both MFW-K and FIAR can be completed in a very short amount of time especially if you skip the phonics in MFW-K.

~~The Bible portion of MFW-K is a memory verse and character trait each week. FIAR (if you buy the Bible/chararacter suppliment) covers a good deal of Bible reading (aprox a chapter or two) that can be spread over the week that covers the character trait being taught.


I have to say that the books assigned in FIAR are some of the most precious books I have ever run across. I had been having problems with empty picture books and some were even teaching bad character. But then after being blessed with some FIAR books from a wonderful mama, I fell in love. No more empty picture books in this house. :)


If you want more info like some samples of what a mini unit will look like just pm me and I will be glad to help!


I do love FIAR's book selections and have been planning on using it for K for awhile, but you have sold me on trying it slowly now. I have the vol.1 guide. Thanks for such an informative post! I'm going to pm you.

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