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The FRIDAY Teachers Lounge! 11-1-2013


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it's FRIDAY. It's NOVEMBER. It's NaNoWriMo.


What's for breakfast? No idea here. Start with coffee.


What's for lunch? Lunch?


Dinner? Maybe something from the crockpot. We'll see.


What's your schedule this weekend? Here: today starts NaNoWriMo, also light schooling, followed by dress rehearsal for my son,

followed by shopping for dd's performance which is next week, followed by my son's performance. That's TODAY! Then tomorrow is

Farmers Market, a birthday party, staying home in the evening while dd babysits at the neighbor's. Sunday is church, son's play practice

for another production, followed by study session with dd. Next week is Production Week for dd. I think Monday, November 11 we'll recuperate!


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Hi Ya, Scrap!


I have no idea on meals.  So my answer is "food".  Probably leftovers tonight and something to stretch them.  ETA:  I forgot that I have crab cakes!  So I'll add crab cakes to tonight's menu.  (Happy dance since I no longer have to scratch my head over this.)


Schedule?  Today's schedule is on the Friday tackle thread.  It includes hanging out at the laundromat since the stupid Sear's repairman didn't show yesterday and then was rude to me when he finally called.  The supervisor I called to complain to never actually came on the phone to talk to me.  I'm feeling rather "boo-hiss" toward Sear's at the moment.  Their most active competitor around here is coming out Monday - I hope on time and with no attitude.  I haven't figured out what I'm tackling for the rest of the weekend.  

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hmmm.  my dh made pumpkin pancakes for breakfast.  Halloween candy for lunch probably?? (terrible I know)  Dinner is chicken and vegetable soup for a gross rainy day!!  As for schedule,  its a fun kind of day.  I have said no to school work!! So, instead we'll go hang out with a friend, stop by my mom's to wish her happy birthday, and then after dinner and dh get home I'm heading out with my best friend!!! We'll be going to some dumb bar to have drinks and see what dumb things the local college students do. I'm just happy to be going out without the kids. 


The rest of the weekend will be spent cleaning, packing, and a baby shower.  On Monday the kids and I drive 15 hours to Alabama to visit my sister and her family!

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Okay, all, I'll be out of the Lounge for a couple of hours. Need to get in some Bible study before tackling my set time for NaNoWriMo. I'll check in later.

In the meantime, there is PLENTY of chocolate around. help yourself! There is also coffee and tea available. 


See you in awhile, crocodile! B)

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Poking my head in for a bit. I only wrote just over 700 words for my rough draft. The ending of the story is eluding me but I'm pretty

sure it's the key to getting the rest of it written. 


Lunch turned out to be various hot dogs from Sonic.


Gotta go again to get son to practice. Later!

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