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What have you already changed this year????


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I dropped Writing With Ease and FLL... went to Writing With Ease with R&S instead... and, promptly dropped both. Now, my oldest son is using Intermediate Language Lessons with Writing Strands. It's a much, much better fit for him and he's doing great! Last spring, I made a lot of changes from our "classical" way of doing Language Arts to more of a "Charlotte Mason way". The changes that I made really breathed life into our homeschool. I should have just kept trusting that and not even tried to use the WWE and FLL when the fall rolled around. Long story short... we are doing much better with a different approach to English. I absolutely love ILL and I'm really glad I decided to try it. I needed to pick something and stick with it for the next several years, so that's what I'm going to do... stick with this combo.

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Okay, so after reading WWE I am finding it so easy to automatically sneak it into what we are already doing... no extra subject needed. We have not started FLL yet, as almost every subject is new to us and we are taking our time adjusting. I am scaling back our geography quite a bit. Instead of a scrap book page for every country, I am planning one for each area, so instead of 36 separate pages on countries and continents we will probably end up with 20 or so, and do less reading than I had planned as well.


While doing her MUS lesson today Emily said, "I love homeschooling".

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Hi everyone! I used to post on the old board here and there. I think my username there was LSC. Anyhoo - I have a 14 year old son who homeschooled for 6 years, and just started attending a small charter high school. My 12 year old daughter (her birthday today! and she's in the midst of her slumber party) is a 7th grader this year, and will be homeschooling at least through the 8th grade. She's been homeschooling for 4 1/2 years.


Now, to answer the question. I have always pulled together our curriculum, done our own lesson plans, administered, and taught all core curriculum lessons. (Both kids have attended public school homeschooling enrichment workshops all along). This year, my dd decided she wanted to try something different, like an online program where she would get what she calls "real" grades from a "real" teacher. So after doing some research (why oh why didn't I come here first to do my research?) We decided on Keystone's new middle school program, and we bought the whole shebang. Well...we did it for 4 days, and sent it all back this morning. My dd was upset, because she wanted to keep the math and the language arts. We have a brand new Apple iMac desktop computer, and we were having problems with the computer interface at Keystone. Their software kept marking quiz questions as "no response" when dd certainly had responded! After trying to work through the problem with them, and them not being able to change any of her grades, or allow her to retake tests, we decided to ditch the whole thing. I also did not like her spending 5 hours a day on the computer - we both had headaches by Wednesday night!


Now we've decided to find an online program that is compatible with Mac (apparently other Keystone users have also had problems using Macs - according to the Student Services personnel I spoke with). In the interim, I'm going to have her do Time4Learning for math and language arts. And who knows - we may end up just sticking with that and supplementing. We would have supplemented Keystone anyway!


Of course, I learned about Time4Learning by logging onto Well Trained Mind's wonderful forums. As I look at my homeschool bookshelves, I can see that the vast majority of materials there I found through recommendations on WTM. You guys are the best homeschooling resources on the web! :001_smile:

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