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Neuropsych Search Questions

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I'm searching for neuropsychs now in the area to test dd11 for learning disabilities.  But Google isn't giving me anything?  I live in a huge metropolitan area so I cannot imagine not finding any that do this.  I did get a list of therapists that treat people with learning disabilities but would they do testing?  What am I doing wrong?  Where am I supposed to look for this?  

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You're looking for some kind of psychologist.  We used a neuropsychologist, but there are other types.  When I did my search, I tried to cross-reference lists and see where I saw multiple hits.  For instance our psych was on a state board for dyslexia AND showed up on ped referral lists (when I googled ped referral lists plus big city name) and was mentioned as a speaker for various places AND...  kwim?  


Honestly, it took me a long time to find somebody I felt comfortable with and pull the trigger.  I have something else I've been talking about doing that I've been slow on too, so maybe it's just me, lol.  On the other hand, he did turn out to be very homeschool-friendly and pleasant to work with.  I called, not sure exactly how many, but I called a reasonable number.  On many, the actual psych called me back.  I wanted someone I felt like could connect with my very bright dd and not blow her off, miss things, or worse yet not engender her respect and get the best out of her.  So when you get the smoking psych who doesn't even use complete sentences (yes, one was like this! and off a referral list!!), you know that's not the one.   ;)  Sigh, they're not all the same.  Shop around.  Call places and ask who they usually refer off to.  If you've got a VT doc, ask them.  If you've done OT, ask them.  As in your homeschool support group.  Call your state hs org and ask them if they maintain a list or just have people who've been down this road to talk to.


You want to hear there's a wait.  Seriously, there should be a wait.  If there's not a wait, be extremely careful.  Ask them what their experience has been with homeschoolers and see what they say.  Ours said he had eval'd some, they seemed to do a fair job, and he was confidence he could work with us.  He sounded like he had worked with them and had respect, kwim?  If somebody has worked with some and got burnt and thinks every hs'er walking in the door is hair-brained, that's gonna be rough to work with.  You want someone you can TALK to.  Ok, some psychs talk more than others and some people talk more than others.  Heather from the boards here met me, and she was laughing that my boy was surely had no lack of being talked with, haha...  So yes, one of the things I appreciated most was that our psych, for that flat rate, spent quite a bit of time with us afterward and answered ALL my questions.  During the intake meeting, same deal.  He just sat there in his Freud chair listening, and it was so cathartic to get it all off my chest.  It was really the start of being able to go a different way and change, because you could finally say ANYTHING and get out EVERY BIT OF FRUSTRATION (which of course we know you're having if there are meltdowns!), and the guy wasn't going to curl his hair or raise his eyebrows or chastise you for not drilling enough or tell you you're imagining it or that it would all go away if you just unschooled (or read your Bible more, depending on who you're talking to).  Oh yeah, but the time you get in that chair, you've got your own list of hurts to pour out!  So you want somebody you can talk with too.


That was a rabbit trail.  Congrats for getting this far.  Google neuropsych and terms plus your city.  Google terms that don't apply.  Try therapies like Interactive Metronome or the QEEG for Neurofeedback.  There are psychs who do both.  If there are OTs doing them, then call THOSE people and ask who THEY refer people to for the evals!  That's what I mean by cross-referencing.  You'll find someone.   :)


PS.  Do look into that QEEG and neurofeedback thing as you narrow your list.  Turns out there's a psych some distance from us (still reasonable) who does it, and I didn't know about him.  I'm happy with our psych and what he did for us, yes, but I never even talked to this nf/QEEG guy.  That's a whole different level of what they can do and very fascinating...  I'll probably at least call that place for dd's late high school eval, and we may see him sooner if we ever do nf.

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I always recommend going through COPAA.Org and asking an attorney or special education advocate for a referral.  That is how we found our EXCELLENT neuropsych.  The attorneys have to have thorough evaluations and detailed reports for their cases, and they know who the good evaluators are and are not.  If you happen to be in the Atlanta area, let me know and I can give you the name of our great go-to evaluator. ;-)

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I always recommend going through COPAA.Org and asking an attorney or special education advocate for a referral.  That is how we found our EXCELLENT neuropsych.  The attorneys have to have thorough evaluations and detailed reports for their cases, and they know who the good evaluators are and are not.  If you happen to be in the Atlanta area, let me know and I can give you the name of our great go-to evaluator. ;-)

Hey Sandy, I'm having an idiot moment.  How do you recommend using the COPAA site?

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Hey Sandy, I'm having an idiot moment.  How do you recommend using the COPAA site?


Down on the lower left, below the main menu bar, there is a "Find Attorney / Advocate" link that you can use to find individuals that practice in your area.  From there, you can contact them and ask them who they would recommend for an evaluation. 

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