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The happy/positive thread


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My son's choir had a performance this afternoon. The repertoire was kind of a departure for them, and included some musical theatre pieces and two selections from The Pirates of Penzance. One of the two choir directors asked back in August if my son would choreograph the boys' Gilbert and Sullivan number, and my son got really excited about it. He had a ton of ideas, which is typical for him, but we were feeling a little concerned about the minimal rehearsal time he ended up having with his cast (which included his fellow boychoir members as the pirates and some men from the adult choir as the cops). Nonetheless, he seemed to feel pretty good about how it was progressing.


Then, just a couple of weeks ago, the other choir director decided my son should also sing the solo in the piece.


The day turned into a bit of a rush, because both my daughter and I were scheduled to work and had to juggle our schedules and transportation in order to make sure we could get the whole family there for the concert.


However, when all was said and done, it was awesome!


The choir director introduced the boys' G&S piece by congratulating my son on the work he'd done with the choreography and praising his singing and calling him a "most impressive young man."


And the number really was great, possibly the highlight of the event. Even my daughter (who is critical as only a big sister can be) was enthusiastic. I was so proud of him!

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The choir director introduced the boys' G&S piece by congratulating my son on the work he'd done with the choreography and praising his singing and calling him a "most impressive young man."


And the number really was great, possibly the highlight of the event. Even my daughter (who is critical as only a big sister can be) was enthusiastic. I was so proud of him!



Yaaaaaay for choir kids!    DD just had her first choir gig of the season Friday. 


Double yay for boys who sing AND choreograph!


Congratulations on the solo!!



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I just got a cute new haircut. :)


I have a week off of work for mid-semester break.


My oldest ds had his first choir performance and it was awesome. I'm so proud of him because he has had a stutter most of his life and this was a big step out of his comfort zone. This is just me showing him off (he is the tall one on the far left):


I just registered my younger ds for a tennis camp at University of Michigan for next June while we are back visiting in the states. He is really excited and so are we.


My dd should get her citizenship in time for us to actually go on this trip. Yahoo!


My dh won his first tennis tournament last week at age 45 which is pretty cool since he just started playing less than two years ago.


It is a beautiful sunny morning, the worst of the monsoon season is over, and I am getting a pedicure today. Seriously, what more could a girl want?

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