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Challenging Day

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I'm not really sure where this subject belongs as it has to do with my non-motivated new Freshman who struggles with Aspergers.

I am SO ready for her to be independent and evidently she is not ready to be. Every time I think we're there, we have a DAY that shows

she's not, not even close. Well, okay, she's motivated to do Biology and drama, but that's it. Thankfully, my 9yo CAN be independent when

I really need him to be. Sometimes, though, he, too, just wants me close. THEN he'll do his work just fine.


I am using too many "I" pronouns. Sorry. Guess I just needed to vent. Thanks for listening.


And, by the way, if I'm having a DAY, I'm sure some of the rest of you are, as well. According to my daughter, the full moon is in about two days, 

so blame it on that, if you'd like! Remember, we WILL get through this. We may lose our sanity in the process, but we WILL survive!  :driving:

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Ds has no unusual challenges, but I can relate to being ready before him at a number of stages.  I was ready to quit breastfeeding when he was 2.  He was not.  I was ready for him to sleep in his own bedroom at 3(?).  He was not.  I was ready for him to go to building school in 9th grade.  He was not.  I am ready for him to be out of the house at college.  He is ready to FLY.  Really, it's amazing...


The best thing I can offer is to take some time for yourself doing things you enjoy.  That and talk, talk, talk with other mothers.  That's what keeps me sane.


P.S. I have seen an improvement in motivation between 9th grade and 12th grade.  I don't know that it will ever be my ideal.  But it has improved. 

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