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s/o House of Hades spoilers...For those that read the series, what do you think?


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WARNING: If you follow this thread, you are going to see spoilers, so if that bothers you, don't click it!






So my dd came in and saw the other thread about the House of Hades and Nico. Her reaction (once again): Rick Riordan RUINED him! She does tend to be a bit dramatic, but I think her reasoning makes sense. The problem is that this development completely changes the motivations for the character. She thinks this makes Nico look like a love-sick puppy dog instead of the strong moral character that she viewed him as. (NOTE: Moral character does not mean gay or not. It's referring to "Nico doing the right thing (helping Percy, etc.) because it's the right thing to do" versus "helping Percy because Nico has a crush on him.")


So what do you think? Right now, I see what she's talking about and agree to a point, but I'm willing to withhold judgment until I see where Riordan is going with the character development. And truthfully, I think it's probably more in line with how a 12 year might see and do things. I mean, most 12 year olds, including my very mature (but dramatic) dd, do not have that strong of a character to move past hurts the way Nico did. Nico is considerably younger than most of the other characters but in a lot of ways has been portrayed as being more emotionally mature.


It's a plot twist that I don't think anyone saw coming, and yes, it is controversial. Can you not like it without being against homosexuality? I would say you could. Would we, as adults, even be discussing it if it Nico had a crush on Annabeth instead? I don't think so.


Was this just a very creative plot twist? Or is Riordan pushing some PC?




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The thing is we haven't had a huge insight into Nico's development, line of thought, at least that I can recall. He's been in the shadows or his actions have been shown, not his reasoning. I don't see it as love sick, I see it as trying to cope with admiring/having a crush on someone who you blame for the death of your sister. How do you even begin to reconcile that as a tween? I didn't see this revelation coming either. However, Nico has always been a bit of an outcast because of his parentage. I do believe he is doing the right thing because it's the right thing to do, even though he's not necessarily received the support of either camp. He's trying to feel where his loyalties lie. I hope he finds his place as I also hope the two camps unite to stop Gaea. 


I think Riordan delved deeper into each of the characters this time. They are individually finding out who they are and what is their place in the world for demi-gods. It doesn't feel like the end of the Percy Jackson series when the camp united to find a common foe and campers were just thrown into NY. This time it feels like each person is finding their own talent, their own place on the battlefield. Each one is preparing for their own battle in a way. Nico's story is just one of them. 

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What about Eowyn? Is she less brave standing before the Witch King when *part*  of her decision in stepping on that path was her unrequited feelings towards Aragorn?


“But no living man am I! You look upon a woman. Éowyn I am, Éomund's daughter. You stand between me and my lord and kin. Begone, if you be not deathless! For living or dark undead, I will smite you, if you touch him.†


Emotional attachment doesn't take away from bravery nor is it going to be the only motivation behind someone's choices. 


I think he will still have his moment. JMHO.

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