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SWB speaking in AZ

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I'm coming from the SE Valley and I'm aiming to get there at 9:15.  Hopefully aiming to get there half an hour before it starts is enough to give me time to figure out which building it's in and get myself out front near the entrance with my small sign that reads "TWTM" and try to find and meet all the homeschoolers.

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Gonna cross post my thoughts here:


Although the presentation was ostensibly for schools, most (all? I don't know about the Hillsdale guy) of the presenters had been homeschooled themselves or had homeschooled their own children. Additionally our little homeschooled section (hi guys!) were already intimately familiar with curriculum and philosophy, so we acted as sort of a silent Amen Chorus in the background. It was amusing to watch some of the teachers, particularly the younger ones fresh out of school, struggling to wrap their minds around some of the "stranger" ideas. Latin grammar in the place of English? No creative writing until the 6th grade? Give the kid the punctuation in the course if dictation? Kindergarteners shouldn't be writing sentences? Wha???


Not to poke fun, it was just kind of funny and really eye opening to watch the philosophy we take for granted chewed and digested by a room full of people who seemed at turns excited, intimidated, annoyed, and incredulous. You don't really get that at a homeschooling conference. I've been homeschooling for 15 years. Although I think I did a bang-up job with my oldest two, my third one was always more stubborn and less willing to engage in her studies. As a result of dealing with her and my 4th one who is diagnosed with ADHD and who has always matured about two years later than her siblings, I began to lose my momentum. I still have five kids to educate, people! I can't afford to run out of steam! I came away energized and excited to pick up the reins again and do what I know I need to do. I think mostly the conference helped me to remember why I need to do it this way.

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Also, we didn't have much time to sit down and chat. They kept things going at a rather furious pace. I missed dinner because during the course of the day my college girl texted me to let me know she was able to catch a ride instead of shuttle so she would be in about 90min earlier. But the little I got to know the ladies (and Lori's husband!) who showed up convinced me we need to do a Valley meetup after the holidays. Sara, I think you suggested Tempe and I think that's a great idea. I'm going to stick a reminder in my phone so when we return from Disney in January I'll remember to post about it.

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It was wonderful! Great to see SWB live and lots of food for thought. And meeting up with fellow boardies is always fun. Sorry you had to miss! Hopefully we can arrange to get together some other time and catch more of us.



It was SO fun to meet you, too, Sara! Love your idea of an AZ WtM meet up! :)

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Also, we didn't have much time to sit down and chat. They kept things going at a rather furious pace. I missed dinner because during the course of the day my college girl texted me to let me know she was able to catch a ride instead of shuttle so she would be in about 90min earlier. But the little I got to know the ladies (and Lori's husband!) who showed up convinced me we need to do a Valley meetup after the holidays. Sara, I think you suggested Tempe and I think that's a great idea. I'm going to stick a reminder in my phone so when we return from Disney in January I'll remember to post about it.

Yes, definitely! Let's touch base then. Yesterday was a great refresher for me to hear some inspirational speakers as well as receive great advice and encouragement from you wise ladies with lots of experience. 😊

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Also, we didn't have much time to sit down and chat. They kept things going at a rather furious pace. I missed dinner because during the course of the day my college girl texted me to let me know she was able to catch a ride instead of shuttle so she would be in about 90min earlier. But the little I got to know the ladies (and Lori's husband!) who showed up convinced me we need to do a Valley meetup after the holidays. Sara, I think you suggested Tempe and I think that's a great idea. I'm going to stick a reminder in my phone so when we return from Disney in January I'll remember to post about it.

Yes, definitely! Let's touch base then. Yesterday was a great refresher for me to hear some inspirational speakers as well as receive great advice and encouragement from you wise ladies with lots of experience. 😊

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