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Can you install the old Microsoft operating system on a new computer?


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I cannot stand the new Microsoft operating system.  I can't figure it out.  Today, I tried to watch the DIVE CD-rom videos for Saxon Algebra 1 and it wouldn't work.  


Can you purchase the old Microsoft system and install it on the new computer?  I am pretty computer challenged, but my dh may be able to help me figure out how to do this if it's possible.




Can you tell me how to run the DIVE cd-roms with the new system.  Windows Media ran it as audio only.  What am I doing wrong?


Thanks for any help.



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Before spending money you can try downloading and installing Classic Shell, http://www.classicshell.net/. It restores the start menu and makes Windows 8 behave more like previous versions.


With your DVD issue it sounds like you're missing video codecs. You can download and reinstall Windows Media Player from Microsoft or go download and install DivX,

http://www.divx.com/en/software/divx, a great video player that well have the codecs you need. I'd go the DivX route myself. :)


Try those things and let me know if they solve your issues.

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I was told that if you have a legal copy of a Microsoft product, "they" will grant you permission to downgrade to a previous version for free. I was told this when I was trying to get a copy of MSOffice 2010 to install for a class I'm teaching, and all that was available in the stores was Office2013. 


(I ended up getting a copy of the 2010 version through a company that sells at a discount to non-profits, so I didn't follow up on it.)

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