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Jobs for 15yos?

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My two 15yos would like jobs, but aren't sure where to start.


Seems like most places want you to be 16? Have any of your kids managed to find "interesting jobs" - something that might give them an idea of a future career, or at least beyond cashiering or bagging groceries? If so, how did they find it, and did they have to be 16 first?

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Not sure what you have against baggers and cashiers. At that age (15) you will be starting out at the bottom. Nothing wrong with that. A friend's son started out doing grocery carts at Walmart then moved up the ladder, as of several years ago he was going around the country overseeing the opening up new Walmarts.


I know some churches hire young people to work with the children. Some libraries hire teens to do the shelving. Mowing lawns. Window washing. Car wash. If you live near a marina, washing boats.

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It's not that I have anything against starting at the bottom. It's all those darn books that say that kids these days should get an internship or should find something aligned with their "passion" and they're all making me feel like they should find some kind of "hook" thing - but really, I have no idea where they'd start looking.


One dd would love working at the library, so I've encouraged her to apply there. The other dd (my introvert) has no idea. And a lot of the stuff seems to want 16. There's a place here that does a lot of mail-order, I was wondering if maybe she could help pack boxes...

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It's not that I have anything against starting at the bottom. It's all those darn books that say that kids these days should get an internship or should find something aligned with their "passion" and they're all making me feel like they should find some kind of "hook" thing - but really, I have no idea where they'd start looking.



Having a tough, working class, starter kind of job is a hook! It shows your kid can work hard and has some idea of the value of a dollar. Many people who work in college admissions were working class kids, not kids of privilege who got a cush internship at Daddy's golf buddy's firm. Kids who have worked are appreciated.


Not that the reason for getting a job should be college admissions. It shouldn't be. Most colleges accept most people who apply. Have your kid get a job because they want to work and because it is good for them.


I'm not saying anything against internships. They can be great to explore careers and it is especially important for college students to consider them as a way to get work experience. I see it as a separate thing from having a job though. One good thing with homeschooling is that kids may have time for both.


As far as having trouble getting hired at 15 - they can look to entrepreneurship. Mowing yards, cleaning gutters, babysitting, cleaning houses, washing cars, pet sitting, etc.

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It's not that I have anything against starting at the bottom. It's all those darn books that say that kids these days should get an internship or should find something aligned with their "passion" and they're all making me feel like they should find some kind of "hook" thing - but really, I have no idea where they'd start looking.


Where they should look depends on them. 


Dd has done gymnastics for 10 years. At 14 she has been able to coach, and even head up an acrobatic gymnastics camp (temporarily when the head coach was sick one day). By the time she graduates from high school, she will have quite a resume of varied coaching and leadership experience. She also volunteers as a counselor at a summer camp for kids with disabilities. At her age, she can only do 1 week/summer, but hopes to do the whole summer as a paid cabin leader when she is 18. 


I think if you want to follow the advice of the books and find something that shows passion, you first have to know what their passion is. Ds doesn't have one that leads to employment like dd, so he'll have to settle for a job. :)

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