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Personal Goals for October--Come share and cheer!


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Does any one have any goals for this new month? I decided to keep my list simple.


Study more

Do my homework. (I haven't done much HW this semester at all, first round of exams is gonna be tough)

Walk for exercise everyday

Take fiber daily

Juice more often


September is when I started pushing myself too eat a better though I only did a little bit of that. I'm hoping that by writing and sharing my goals within an active community, I'll be able to stick to them a little better.


What are your goals this month? Even if its just something you want to ease into, like eating less (in preparation for a diet) or smiling a little more, please share it here so we can help one another be accountable and cheer you on!

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I'll join in  :cool:


My goals for October:

---Continue with my current focus on improving my WoE & losing weight (declutter my body = healthier me)

---Sort / donate 5 boxes each week (declutter my house = less stress)

---Go through my responsibilities to see what I can cut out (declutter my time = less stress)

---Begin 333 for spring (Oct / Nov / Dec)  (declutter my wardrobe = more time)

---Draft a plan for our summer holidays (declutter our celebrations = less stress)


I'd love to welcome in 2014 with a slimmer me, a welcoming home, more time for what I value, & a focus on family.  It's a big challenge, but if I keep my goals in focus I think I can achieve results.


Thanks for starting this thread.


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Lets see.....

Start a house cleaning routine before baby gets here

Declutter a lot, make room for baby and well to make cleaning the house easier

Start my self Ed- chemistry, math and herbs in general- dh wants to start a business selling acorn flour and herbs on the side (another words something for me to do :))

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This month I've got a lot on my plate:


-Learn to lay floor tile (2 bathrooms are getting face lifts!)

-Get at least one bathroom completed(which entails, tiling the floor, painting, install new sink and toilet, and add the rest of the odds and ends of bathroom redo._

-Plan for trip to Alabama

- Schedule a drywall party for November and entice family to come with food (dad is putting all new plumbing in so an entire ceiling has been ripped out and parts of walls.  

-Schedule a paint party (new walls need new paint!)

-Reevaluate budget 

-Plan for a few long term goals with dh (buying new house and renting current one out)

-Lose 10 lbs!  Got a lot of baby weight to lose and can finally do it. Already down 10 lbs so lets make it another 10 in October.

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I want to


Stick to my housecleaning schedule long enough for it to become habit


Lose a pants size, which means I need to exercise 5-6 times a week and eat only when I'm hungry


Start making lists for Christmas and birthdays (lots of fall birthdays in our house)


Decorate for Halloween earlier than the 27th


Set aside conference time with each dd several times per week to help them learn to manage their time and to help with study skills.

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In October, I want to:

- drink more water, 2 L per day

- get our living room totally organized (just put new floor in so everything is not where it should be)

- start flooring project in Kids room

- go apple picking and can applesauce. 

- stay on schedule with school work

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In October, I want to:

- drink more water, 2 L per day

- get our living room totally organized (just put new floor in so everything is not where it should be)

- start flooring project in Kids room

- go apple picking and can applesauce. 

- stay on schedule with school work

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I read your title and thought survive. My twins are due in November but it is rare to make it all the way and the dr. expects they will be born within the next week or two! Along with that we need to settle on names - we decided not to find out the gender of the babies.


Besides that I don't have any personal goals.. but I have been making lists for dh and the teens. ;)

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^ survive is on my list too. Hunting season means a lot of (paid for) travel for my husband. We may or may not have a car that I can drive... So there I must put:

- attempt to try to possibly learn how to drive a stick (again)

- eat healthy

- get some testing done (thyroid) and hopefully make progress in feeling less exhausted. Any weight loss will be a bonus but honestly, I'm getting tired of trying and failing.

- track down the last miss marple book in the series and then move on to poirot :)

- finally make the goodwill drop off that is cluttering up my basement :)

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