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TT Placement test result advice needed before the weekend!


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My ds13 just took the TT placement test for Algebra 1.  He passed by the skin of his teeth.  He hasn't been doing pre-algebra all that long.  The thing is that my copy of TT Pre-Algebra is being used by my niece right now, and my sister's copy of Algebra 1 is free for the using right now.  So, if your kid just passed the placement test by a close mark, would you for sure go ahead and put him in Algebra?  I know technically he passed (12 out of 15 on the first half, needed 10, and 8 out of 15 on the second half, needed 8 to pass) but I'm not sure since it was so close.  I know TT does have quite a bit of review at the beginning normally, although I haven't seen algebra itself.  He will also continue to do LOF pre-algebra a few days a week, whatever we decide.


Thanks for your opinions!

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