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My kids keep telling me they want to homeschool again.

Renee in NC

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On one hand, it makes me happy that they remember our homeschooling years positively.  On the other hand, it makes me sad because it simply isn't a possibility.  I work FT, and I can't change that.  I am gone from 7:15 to 6 or 6:15 everyday.  It's possible that I will have to work tax season somewhere, so I will be gone even longer.


I am overall fairly happy with their school, but there are some individual issues.  I think it's really about being able to see me.  I'm gone so much during the week.  On the weekends, they are with their Dad at our house Friday and every other Saturday night (he has nowhere to take them.)  I try to be gone (for obvious reasons) but they have a hard time with that, too, as they see it as me "never being home."


I am working on hiring a nanny to be here afterschool until I get home.  Once that happens, it should free up time for me.  Maybe we can spend an hour or so reading together at night.  Maybe their father will (a) get a real job so he can pay some child support (and keep me from having to work tax season) and (b ) get his own place where he can have the kids with him and it will help the perception change.


Or, better yet, I can win Powerball and we can homeschool again.  :lol:

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You are doing a great job mothering your family! You didn't give up and worked hard to make necessary changes. It's sweet that the kids miss you and remember the homeschooling days. I pray the other details come together and you can have more relaxed time together.  :grouphug:

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