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An update on my saga... *sigh*


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The landlord received my rent, he text me himself and said so. That was 2 weeks ago and he hasn't made a peep since. Nothing. We are still without heat and still with wires hanging out of a missing section of drywall. We still have no less than 5 (it may have been 6 but at least 5) mouse homes in our duct system.


I am just beside myself with what to do. I am going to call that health department tomorrow and see what can be done (I was going to call today but woke up with a migraine that just went away about an hour ago). He flat refused to lower our rent until repairs are done and he refused to put in writing that we can have the repairs done and take it out of rent. Our hands are tied.


Here we are 8 days from when the next rent check is due and you can bet your sweet bibby that he will be on the horn if that check isn't there but by golly he isn't going to lift a finger to do his duty. I am sick of it. I would love to just move. LOVE to. If I had the funds.



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Research Landlord/Tenant rights in your state.  I believe in my state, violations of that are reported to the Attorney General's office.  


I did and that is why I need to call the health department/building inspector. Apparently those are the ones to handle the complaint. I just wish I didn't have to. I mean does he seriously expect us to go through winter without heat?

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It is usually against the law for a landlord to rent a place that is not habitable.  I would think that no heat makes the house non habitable.  He would be stuck with big fines and such.  I would do the research (see if there is a law school that has a legal clinic with tenants rights that might have the information for you for free).  Then pass it on to him and tell him that if it is not repaired you will take legal actions.

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Didn't you talk about calling the fire inspector a couple of weeks ago? What happened with that?


Actually I talked to them the day before yesterday and they can come but my problem is if they declare it isn't fit to live in. I don't think it is that bad but I don't know from an inspector point of view if they would do that.


The landlord did come by yesterday, unannounced... while I was working, and talked to dh. Basically he was saying the same thing he has been saying all along. He is going to get it fixed he just doesn't have the money. Of course that is why he sat on the rent check for 5 days before depositing it. He text me when he got it and I get a copy of the check after it is redeemed. He waited 5 days. So still nothing has happened.


He won't be replacing the heat pump. He said he is going to give us some special heater he has in storage or something that is supposedly going to heat the whole house. I don't know what that is. He said that getting the heat pump replaced will be in the thousands so he just can't do it. So, I don't know how that will pan out. I still want the mouse homes out of the duct system. It smells. We have to keep the vents blocked or it really get rank. He made vague mention of fixing the drywall himself. We shall see. He has our rent from Sept and rent for Oct is due next week. That will be two months of rent with absolutely nothing done.


I am still in a holding pattern. I still think he is stringing us along. He won't let us take the repairs out of rent. I will only be strung along for so long before I cut the string though. :)

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Rights are also that you should not have to pay rent until it is fixed....money has to be set in an account though.


North Carolina has no such provision in the law books. I looked. I wanted to set up an escrow account to put rent in until repairs are done but that isn't legal. He can still evict us for non-payment. NC says you must pay rent every single month regardless. You have to take legal action to get the landlord to do anything if they aren't don't what they need to.


My dh and I have talked about it and he won't be getting November rent unless there is major work done this month. If not then we go to court to see what the magistrate says.

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