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Hats off to Breaking Bad fans...


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I haven't started watching the show yet, but have a feeling that  the last two episodes have been particularly powerful. These impressions have been gleaned spoiler-free, and not just here... anywhere I go on the Internet. I had to avoid almost all my usual haunts the couple weeks after Mad Men ended this year until I caught up. But you, Breaking Bad fans, are the most considerate and careful lot I've seen.


Thank you. :)



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Ditto that.


I just started watching it last week and I'm on Season 4. I'm a little scared to get all caught up #1 because of the non-spoiler comments I've seen and #2 I don't want to be all caught up. lol

I kinda wish I hadn't started watching Mad Men so soon, after hearing yesterday that they'll be splitting up the last season over spring 2014 and spring 2015. I am not happy to hear this.
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I kinda wish I hadn't started watching Mad Men so soon, after hearing yesterday that they'll be splitting up the last season over spring 2014 and spring 2015. I am not happy to hear this.


Yes, DH and I are probably spoiled, but we enjoy watching shows once they've filmed quite  few episodes so we can have nightly marathons instead of waiting for the next episodes.  :)


We are currently about to finish up Luther, and looking for our next addiction.  

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This year I watched the entire Mad Men series (to current) in about a week, the entire Breaking Bad series (til about 4 or so episodes ago, when I began watching weekly) in about a week, all of Orange is the New Black in about a week (although that's only one season), and all of House of Cards in about a week (also only 1 season).  

I can't do that anymore!  When I get into it, I can't stop.  I don't get enough sleep.  Work suffers. Laundry suffers.  We eat takeout every night.  It's just bad for me!  


I hereby vow never to fall that behind on a good show again.  Although, I did hear that Homeland is a great show.  It's only one season......

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