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How do you tell Grade Level???


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I've noticed people saying things like testing on placement, tested above grade level, etc? Where do you find these tests to test your child and how much do they cost? I am wanting to test my son at end of this 1st grade year just to see where we are after this year, but I have no clue where these tests are or how we get access to them etc...


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We use the Peabody test - a tester comes to our house and asks the kids questions for 60-90 minutes and she goes over the results right away. It's $55. She's able to tell us how they compare to other kids their age and at what grade level they'd be at the 50th percentile in each subject.

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I administer a standardized test every year. Our first year it was the CAT; every other year it has been the Terra Nova. I want my children to have practice with standardized tests without any pressure.


One year, I had the kids tested using the Woodcock-Johnson Achievement test. The results helped affirm my own assessment of my children and the tester had good tips for curriculum. Where I live now, the testing fee is too expensive so that's out.


ETA: other posters have mentioned using DORA and ADAM. I have no personal experience, but I plan on using it this year.



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Thanks I will definitely have to look into all of those and see what our options are here in Mississippi. I just want to see at the end of this year where he is and where we need to be going type things...I think it's good plus like ErinE said I want him to have practice with these tests too. 

Thanks so much once again. 

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I assign my kids to whatever grades they'd be in if they were in our local public school; those grades, however, have little or nothing to do with what they're studying or the level at which they're learning. Since our state requires standardized testing in certain grades, we use the 1970 CAT, available online from Christian Liberty Press. $25 and done.

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There are the DORA and the ADAM,which are online tests for reading and math that cost $20.  You could also give your child the ITBS or the Stanford, which are both available from BJU and are more comprehensive than the DORA and ADAM in that they test other things besides reading and math.  However, in the first grade, just testing reading and math will tell you much of what you need to know about academic achievement.

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