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FRIDAY's Teachers Lounge on TUESDAY


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Are you confused yet?  :)


Since I was remiss in my duties and did not post on Friday, I will post today, as I might also forget to post THIS Friday.


CRAZINESS around here, I tell ya!  This past weekend was DD's 15th birthday, followed by camping the next day, and returning

home the day after that! We're all exhausted today! Therefore, not a lot of academic work is getting done but life application is

surely happening: laundry, cleaning, meal planning, trip prepping (son and husband are headed across the country this weekend

and daughter and I are going camping again!), and probably napping sometime today!


Since dd is Aspie, I told her two days ago she wouldn't have school today. She is more exhausted than the rest of us, I think!


It's probably a good thing that ds9 decided to NOT go to the LEGO build this afternoon. Not sure I have the energy!


What is/was for lunch today? Here we had a yummy lunch which was a variation of a recipe I found in my October edition

of Family Circle magazine (Jean in Newcastle, take note!): 


Turkey wraps:

cracked black pepper turkey


sliced tomato (heirloom or otherwise)

cranberry-horseradish sauce

on a tortilla


We all enjoyed it!


Talk to me!  :bigear:

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Wow - you're too busy for me - even if it is just camping and such.  


I had leftover steak for lunch along with some bean chips and a peach.  


I'm excited today.  Instead making dinner and taking older to cello this afternoon, I'm taking a sailing class.  I'm even leaving work early for it.   :)  It will be every Tuesday this month.  I think one of the best things about it is that I get to skip out of my responsibilities and do something fun all by myself.  



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Hi hi! We started school today and was so grateful a friend texted us to meet at the park for lunch because otherwise dd would have gone through everything I planned out of the week. :)


Also had leftover steak on a salad here today - yum. Then used the leftover rolls to make ham sandwiches for the kids.


Oh and I start grad school this week, like Friday and still don't have any books or anything (applied and registered late). DH is picking up the reading for this weekends class tonight, so thankful he can drive past the school so I don't have to drive down there, and then I guess I will have a lot to read. :) I am really, really excited about this.


Oh and dd's 18th birthday is in 2 weeks and I finally have a gift idea - homemade smashbook like I found on another thread. But still wish I had a good 'big' gift to give her as well - but no clue what to get her. What do you get an 18yo that doesn't want anything?

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Scrap!  Do I need to teach you how to do "calendar time"?!   


Your lunch sounds very yummy.  I, however, will one-up you by telling you that I had lunch today at P.F. Chang's with our very own DawnM!  She was in town and we were able to meet.   :001_smile:   I had an almond cashew chicken with fried rice.  Tasty.  Dd11 came with me so that she could meet Dawn as well.  



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No, Jean. See, my probably has ALWAYS been application, not knowledge! :P


Glad you enjoyed your lunch at P.F. Chang's. I have eaten there once and decided Panda Express was just as good, and much cheaper!


Karen, hope you have a wetsuit!


Xixstar, hope you had fun!


Now to make dinner: smoked sausage with onions!

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