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Decision time Monday

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On Monday, my life is changing in several important ways. We find out what is wrong with dd's shoulder and what kind of surgery she will be having and when. My Dh will figure out whether he is retiring in about a year or he is continuing to serve in the military. After my dd knows the above two things, she will make decisions about what classes she is taking in homeschool Academy, CC, online, and with me, and I have to quickly plan out what I am teaching and order material. It is finally all happening and my waiting will be over.

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Thanks Jen but I don't know what I want except I want my dd's shoulder problems to be almost as easy as the first proposed fix (3 hour surgery, 3 days down time, no hospital stay).


I am of very unclear mind about my husband's career. I am somewhat scared of him staying in since he may get deployed and also I am not sure that I would like the extra responsibility I would have eventually. I also don't know if I really want to keep moving. On the other hand, it is a sure employment in this climate and a payraise. If he retires, he can probably get a job that he would like better and maybe even pay better. I wouldn't have to move anymore. But the old anxiety that I have from losing both parents at a fairly young age (13 for when my father died, 23 for when my mother died), really would play a number with that decision until he accepted an offer and everything was really set.

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Both my daughters have some ligaments that are too long. That makes them more likely to get sprains and breaks in those areas. A normal situation with those joints is something called subluxation- popping of the joint but not all the way like a dislocation. Well in April of 2007, both dds were doing wheelbarrow races at a homeschool field day. THe older one's shoulder sublaxation and caused the younger to fall on top of her. This caused the older's labrum to tear. WE didn't know that at first. She had a normal x-ray and then had PT for months. After almost half a year, the Physical therapist decided that something more serious than a sprain was going on. SHe had an MRI which showed the tear. She was going to have surgery in January but because of her headache (which went on for seven months(, the orthopedist wanted a okay from the neurologist. By the time, we got that and saw the orthopedist again, she wasn't having pain. Of course, she also wasn't doing that much physically at the time because of her headache. Her headache went away in early June and she started getting much more active again. After she started archery day camp, she was having severe pain a number of hours after each session. We figured she was having problems with the labrum again. We saw the orthopedist last week and he figured out that she was now dislocating her shoulder repeatedly and it wouldn't hurt then, but rather later. He dislocated her shoulder a numebr of times during the visit and it seemed to me and her, that it was dislocated in two different directions. He said she had a rare type of dislocation problem and sent us off to have an arthogram MRI. She did that on Friday and will see him on Monday to discuss the results and figure out what will be done. She wants to go into law enforcement or the military and needs to be able to use her shoulders properly.

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