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Any tips for math word problems w/ dyslexic

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My DD is doing very well with her math.  She understands the concepts.  She does great.  However, those pesky word problems are still a bother.  She mainly struggles with knowing which operation is needed.  Once we reason through it together, she can solve it no problem.  We have drawn pictures of the problem, tried the bar diagrams, done hand motions for the action, and found keywords (this worked the poorest).  Nothing has really helped.  We've been working at it for a few years now, so it's not like I've tried these things in quick succession and have confused her.


Has anybody found a method or anything that helps solidify this skill? 

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Still looking, myself, and hoping someone has a suggestion.   My dd has a terrible time with word problems without me walking her through them.   I have also tried all those things you mentioned, but with limited success.  However, my daughter also has dyscalculia, so basic math operations, including reading a clock or a calendar, are very difficult for her, yet she can do higher math operations if she has scaffolding on simple math.  Really wondering where to go from here.  We are using Teaching Textbooks to give her some independence, since the DVD's teach math concepts to her without me (at 13 she wants some separation on certain things) and she can watch on her own, then I supplement with various math sources to solidify concepts, but with word problems I have to step in every time.


Hope someone has a really useful suggestion.  

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Critcal Thinking Co  has some word problems books that start with first 60 problems or so with all the same numbers in each problem, so the arithmetic has only a few choices, but child has to figure out what operation to use according to the problem.

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O.k. I have used their Building Thinking Skills products before.  It was interesting watching both of my dyslexic children do the same Thinking Skills worksheets.  With some concepts my son would fly through and my daughter just wouldn't get it at all then in other concepts it would be the polar opposite.  The brain is a fascinating and confusing place to be....


Anyway, I will try that.  Thanks.

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